Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, lanky build....looks like you could carry him with one arm easily despite his height.

Body Features

Carries a multitude of scars spanning along his body and absolutely covered in freckles. Has a jade colored Celtic knot tattoo between his shoulder blades and a tattoo of black/purple tendrils running down from his left shoulder to his hand.

Facial Features

A multitude of freckles along his cheeks and nose, as well as a scar running across the bridge of his nose. has two scars on the left side of his jaw and a scar running along the right side of his neck towards the back of it.

Identifying Characteristics

his fluffy light grey hair, freckles, and golden-amber eyes.

Physical quirks

Struggles to hold eye contact with others.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a sleeveless black top with matching elbow length fingerless gloves, brown high waisted pants, and boots beneath his hunters' cloak. During his downtime he trades the hunters' cloak for his green poncho, wears a ring in the shape of a rodent and a mask that covers the top half of his face.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Dream is male and uses he/him pronouns.


Dream is panromantic demisexual, he is also polyamorous.


No formal education, was homeschooled by his parents but mostly learned things as he went.

Mental Trauma

  • Almost lost his soul and had to fight against his party during the Shadow fell plot, has ignored and pushed it down so far but who knows how long until he can't ignore it.
  • Was thralled twice by vampires; one tried to turn him, the other had him fight against the party once more. These events have made him extremely uncomfortable with anyone messing with his mind
  • Watched Mica lose the entire lower half of one of his arms and almost die, is now genuinely even more terrified of losing his only friends.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    Despite his rather.....strange and chaotic nature, Dream is very insightful.

    Morality & Philosophy

    • Live in the moment, if you spend too long living in the past you're whole life will pass by with nothing to show for it
    • You make your own fate
    • Nothing is impossible unless you don't bother to try

    Personality Characteristics


    Dream has always been motivated by curiosity. He loved hearing the stories his mother told him about the surface, when he saw the flyer for an expedition to the surface; there was no way he was going to pass up a chance to explore the surface and if it brings the possibility of his family being able to live on the surface with better space for their work? even better.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes


    • Deception
    • stealth
    • acrobatics
    • insight


    • Persuasion
    • Any form of self-preservation
    • low self-esteem
    • Not very intimidating

    Likes & Dislikes


    • cool colors (i.e. green, blue, purple)
    • pranks
    • spending time with the people he cares for
    • dark humor


    • loud areas/large crowds
    • snobs
    • heat
    • centipedes

    Virtues & Personality perks

    • compassionate
    • integrity
    • loyal

    Vices & Personality flaws

    • impulsive liar
    • deflective
    • reckless with his own life


    Family Ties

    Anne Weaver (mother [54]): One of the scariest women Dream knows while being one of the kindest, he's amazed that he's yet to be a disappointment to her with how much trouble he got into as a child and still continues to get into as an adult.  
    "I love my mother dearly, she was always the one to defend me when I wound up causing problems for not keeping my tongue in check...I hope I haven't worried her too much in my absence...."
      Corwin Weaver (father [58]): One of the gentlest men Dream had known in his childhood and respects. He's wondered how one of the calmest people he's met could create such chaotic boys on more than one occasion.
    "Dad has always been such a sweet soul....I remember times in our childhood when Sol or I would wake from night terrors and he'd come in to sing us back to sleep with one of the softest voices I've ever heard...wonder how he's doing...."
    Solomon Weaver (younger brother [17]): Dream's younger brother, just as much a magnet for chaos but has the common sense and self preservation skills Dream lacks. Dream would go to hell and back for Sol though his brother would most likely be the one having to drag his ass back.
    "Sol's got a real inquisitive mind when it comes to making things, shit I mean he even built his prosthetic arm himself. When we were younger I used to try and entertain him and some of the younger kids in town with some tricks or pranks....usually ended up with Solomon having to pull me out of a sticky situation by the end of the day haha...."
    Tet (boyfriend): Dream adores Tet though he struggles with expressing it verbally, tries his best with quality time and physical affection. He holds on to the hope that they could have a safer life on the surface once they reach it. Believes Tet is probably one of the sweetest people he's met outside his family.
    "Tet...Tet is just....extraordinary to me. He's kind, he's smart, and such a sweetheart.....I've never felt so lucky to have someone like him in my life..."


    Talks with his hands a lot, habitually runs his hands through his hair so often that by the end of the day it's a complete mess. very animated movements and fidgets with his coat when he's bored.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Dream has a pangol named Malex that he adores, his hobbies include playing the lyre, messing with his poison kit, and causing problems for others.


    Very relaxed and playful speech, borders on mischievous at times.

    Chaotic (stupid) neutral bastard that thrives on causing problems

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Holds a noble title within the Alliance of Free Cities alongside his party; Mica, Kahræz, Baezhokin, Nalis, and Tet.
    Date of Birth
    9th of Cyric, 722
    Light Grey
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    5 ft 8
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Don't worry about it" :)
    Known Languages
    Knows common, abyssal, elvish, and Thieves' Cant.


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