House of Repose

The bards of the House of Repose appear to be like other bards, sharing news, singing songs, and telling tales to the audiences they gather. In truth, These bards are minstrels who double as assassins, spies, and saboteurs. The House of Repose teaches its students to be master manipulators and how to exploit people for wealth and power.   Shadowbard training is quite rigorous, and Shadowmasters sometimes go so far as to wring the sympathy and capacity for love from the individual being groomed. Cruel as this seems, such a composed, aloof demeanor is necessary for a Shadowbard to be able to perform their duties and sell their services to the highest bidder. The quintessential Shadowbards in fact question whether they are even capable of love rather than treachery, though this training does not always wither an individual's basic compassion. For some, it is ultimately a bard's honor which determines how or even whether they will accomplish their given task or contract.   Many other bards hate the House of Repose, viewing it as a parasite that uses a bard’s reputation to acquire wealth and power. For this reason, members of this guild rarely reveal their true nature.  


The House of Repose has a somewhat loose hierarchy, with the various high-ranking agents underhandedly vying for power between themselves; However, ever since its founding, there has always been a Whispering August at the very top. The ranks, in order from highest to lowest, are as follows:
  1. Whispering August
  2. Fell Vanguard
  3. Phatom Inquisitor
  4. Silent Sentinel
  5. Obsidian Executioner
  6. Dusk Operative
  7. Gloom Agent
  8. Cloaked Abettor
  9. Umbral Proxy
The first four ranks are the "Shadowmasters", while ranks 5–9 are "Shadow Servants."


Long ago, a charismatic and enigmatic figure emerged from the depths of obscurity, rising to prominence with her magnetic allure and ruthless efficiency—Harmena Woldbash. Gathering a loyal following of disillusioned bards who felt abandoned by society, she formed an organization with a dual purpose – the veneration of dark deities and the art of manipulation. The initiates were subjected to grueling trials of physical and mental endurance, honing their agility, stealth, and beguiling skills. They were initiated into the dark arts, mastering the secrets of poisons, mind manipulation, and the artistry of assassination. The Shadowsbards' devotion to their craft was unwavering, bound only by the intoxicating allure of power and the promise of salvation within their ranks.   Politicians, nobles, and influential figures would seek the coveted services of the Shadowbards, trading fortunes and secrets for silence or the removal of inconvenient rivals. The House itself grew rich off their dark trade, accumulating wealth, favors, and secrets that enabled them to manipulate the very fabric of society.

Whispered secrets sing a deadly symphony.

Secret, Sisterhood
Alternative Names
The Manipulative Melody, The House
Notable Members


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