
the Humble Provider

Izinia is a lesser deity who embodies the virtues of humility, simplicity, and generosity. They are often depicted as a modest, unassuming figure with a gentle smile, clad in simple robes and carrying a staff. Izinia teaches that true wealth is found not in material possessions, but in the kindness and support we give to one another. They watch over those who live in poverty, guiding them towards a path of mutual aid and communal strength.

Adherents practice minimalism, owning only what is necessary and donating the rest to those in need.

Divine Domains

Life, Peace, Poverty

Tenets of Faith

  • True wealth is measured by what you give, not what you possess. Share your resources, knowledge, and time generously.
  • Embrace a life of simplicity and humility, free from the distractions of excess and greed.
  • Strengthen your community through acts of service and compassion. The wellbeing of one affects the wellbeing of all.
  • Face hardships with courage and grace, knowing that through suffering, you grow stronger and closer to Izinia.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Neutral Good


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