Kahræz Althos

Great Cleric of Ariannewyn Kahræz Althos (a.k.a. Zünden)

Kahræz Althos (né Silbernen) is a drow cleric of Ariannewyn, and an adventurer with The Hopeless, who have completed their primary objective of reaching the surface from the Underdark. The team currently does adventuring work here and there, and Kahræz has a personal goal of finding a new surface homeland for his people.
He acts as the de facto leader of The Hopeless, and specializes highly in the use of fire and light magic, drawing power from his faith, devotion, and understanding to make use of these abilities.
He is married to Nalis Althos, a triton druid and fellow adventuring party member.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kahræz has a muscular physique, and is quite athletic.

Body Features

Has a magical jade-coloured tattoo across his chest, with the words "A rightful place awaits in the Realms Above, in the Land of Great Light. Come in peace and live again under the sun, where trees and flowers grow, where the light of the moon shines." in Drow. It also has many floral and animal designs, mostly daisies and moths, and has harp designs near the shoulder areas, and a moon design on the heart.

Facial Features

Flat nose, exceptionally clean in ways of scars and body hair. Baby-faced.

Identifying Characteristics

His elegantly long ears, long silver hair, and strangely blue eyes.

Physical quirks

Quite tall for a drow, especially a male one.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears Ariannite priestly vestments, which he is able to easily keep clean with his cleansing stone. He keeps his holy amulet around his neck at all times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kahræz was born to his mother Bösema Silbernen in the Bollodarian town of Lodhir on Eilistae 12th, 718 N.D. He was somewhat neglected by his mother, and never left his home much. Few really knew him in Lodhir, however those that did generally liked him, as he had good intuition and observational skills, and generally enjoyed helping others, even if he was sometimes a bit of an ass and didn’t really speak his mind much, even when he should have.
When he was 12, he one day met Zevoru Cægalli, a follower of Ariannewyn, who was passing through Lodhir. He asked her about the Silver Maiden, and learned quite a lot. She left him with an amulet and prayer book dedicated to the goddess. He felt a type of connection with the deity, and a calling to adventure towards the surface even after the Spellplague that had rendered such a feat even more impossible than it was before. He joined a small temple, where he was taught much about the divine and the cosmological nature, and had a particular interest in demonology. Despite the naysays of many, he remained driven to escape the underdark, to a nigh-obsessive degree.
Eventually, he caught wind of Kodar’s expedition to the surface, which he accepted without hesitation. After all, it is his duty to Ariannewyn, his duty to the drow, to make it to the surface.

Gender Identity

Kahræz is male, and uses he/him pronouns.


Kahræz is homosexual and homoromantic. He also has demisexual-demiromantic leanings, and is polycurious.


No formal education beyond what he was taught in his temple, which was mostly religious knowledge. Focused majorly on demonology.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kahræz has accomplished a significant amount of things in his fairly short time as an adventurer.
  • Most notably, he was instrumental in putting a stop to the plans of Draz'Gannil the Glabrezu in Bollodar and Gilja.
  • Destroying the kaiju-esque rat monster Hixa
  • Saving the king of Kigairlon from an assassination plot seemingly headed by his mother, and solving the Shadowfell plot to take the city over.
  • Curing Nalis of his cursed knowledge
  • Becoming engaged to Nalis
  • Helping destroy the goblin empire of King Azuct.
  • Breaching the surface.
  • Ending the demonic threat of Ulbion.
  • Married Nalis.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite what his companions may say, Kahræz does feel he has made his fair share of failures in his career.
  • Failed to save Cagak from assassination (although in fairness, the assassin was Dream).
  • Didn't stop Nalis or Kaes from using the cursed sussur despite his misgivings about it.
  • Chose to not give help to the Basidio Colony.
  • Fell under the Shadow Plane's despair.
  • Made absolutely no heed against the near-surface Illithid colony.
  • Couldn't stop Zevoru from retrieving the Grim Ring.

Mental Trauma

Kahræz completely crashed upon seeing his mother attempt to assassinate Kigairlon's king. Not only was she secretly a worshipper of Xuva, but a highly ranking one as well.

Morality & Philosophy

  • You don't need a reason to help people.
  • Fate and fortune can be overcome.
  • The future will be better than the past and the present, we just have to make sure of it.

Personality Characteristics


While everyone has been stuck within the underdark for several centuries now, the drow have been stuck there for even longer. When he learned of and become a follower of Ariannewyn, he learned how for many millennia some drow would quest out of the underdark and to the surface. He realized that, if he was able to make it to the surface even with the Spellplague, he could possibly inspire huge communities of drow to ascend from the underdark.   After reaching the surface and realizing the surprise of there being fully functioning, nay, thriving communities living there, Kahræz was filled with hope, knowing now for sure that drow could have a home completely free of Xuva's web.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  • Demonology
  • Religious knowledge
  • Intuition
  • Mental drive


  • General arcana
  • Meekness and ineloquence
  • Poor self-esteem

Likes & Dislikes


  • Colors: Pink, Silver
  • Flowers: Daisy, Rose
  • Smells: Burning Firewood, Fish
  • Foods: Darkmantle, Giant Lizard
  • Animals: Moths, Bats
  • Genre: Romance
  • Spells: Commune, Spirit Guardians


  • Children
  • Druids
  • Water


  • Demons
  • Mysterious, deal-making mages (such as hags)
  • Earthquakes
  • Speaking (generally)

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Compassion
  • Wisdom
  • Generosity
  • Determination

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Obsessive
  • Unnecessarily self-sacrificing
  • Somewhat Vindictive

Personality Quirks

Chronic orphan adopter


Contacts & Relations

-The Hopeless-

  • Dream: Kahræz's closest friend. They've been adventuring together for over half a year, and while Dream has definitely done stuff that Kahræz is not at all a fan of (example: kidnapping a child), Kahræz definitely appreciates Dream's skills and personable nature, and wouldn’t rather him not be around. He worries somewhat over how often Dream seems to walk near death.
    “It’s funny. This guy’s my oldest friend. Heck, first real friend I’ve had who wasn’t at least six decades older than me, and I’ll be very surprised if he ends up anywhere other than Limbo when he dies. Not the type of person I thought I’d ever be friends with, but I loathe and fear everytime someone knocks him close to death.”
  • Mica: Mica appears to hold almost no fears. That’s something Kahræz holds a great deal of respect for, and his decent morals and strange aptitude with odd magic items are very nice as well.
    “He can be a little dumb sometimes for someone so smart, and occasionally he's even more socially awkward than I am, but he's great. Time and time again his strange devices have saved us, and his mechanical skills have gotten us into and out of trouble countless times.”
  • Baezhokin: Kahræz holds esteem towards Baezhokin. He very much respects his ideals of redemption, even if they seem to disagree on who can actually be redeemed. And while Kahræz was aware of the reborn lord, working directly with one of his adherents has given Kahræz a different view on undeath.
    “Demon’s a demon. That’s what I thought, before Baezhokin convinced a bulezau -- a category-I demon -- to off itself and attempt reform. I was intrigued at the time, but it was several months after, when we were in the Shadowfell that this really sunk in. There, we met the bulezau, now back as a Goliath, fully devoid of his demonic form. I can't not hold someone who was able to do that in high regard."
  • Nalis: Nalis is Kahræz's soulmate. Nalis has been traveling with him for only a couple weeks less than Dream, and has really been essential to have around. He loves him with all his heart, and has few wants greater than being able to live a simple married life with the druid. He finds Nalis to be the most amazing person in the multiverse, and is happily the triton's husband.
    "I love Nalis so deeply… He’s just so alluring, and nice, and cool, and sweet, and smart, and charming, and good and everything. I’m so glad he stole my first kiss (and my virginity). It might be a little embarrassing to say this, but if you couldn’t tell, I smell like fish often because of how much we…’re around eachother."


  • Kodar: While there isn't any animosity, their relationship is mostly just an alliance due to shared goals. Kahræz does appreciate that Kodar sent out the letters for the trip to the surface, finally giving him a chance to travel there without risking going out on his own.
  • Auntie: Kahræz does not like Auntie. He believes she has ulterior goals and motives. However, he does begrudgingly accept help from her, he just wishes to avoid giving her any sort of "payment" on his own.
  • Tet: Tet has been surprisingly helpful since joining the group. While Kahræz finds him to be a mediocre combatant and explorer at best, Tet is quite shrewd in matters relating to the Arcane. Plus, Tet and Dream are just a cute couple.
  • Lanill: Lanill is quite intriguing. She has said things that hint to a life she lead on the surface, and Kahræz absolutely wants to talk to her more when he gets the time.

Family Ties

  • Nalis (Husband): Kahræz cares about Nalis a lot. Nalis has been traveling with him for only a couple weeks less than Dream, and has really been essential to have around. He loves him, and often finds himself daydreaming about a life on the surface with Nalis. He finds Nalis to be the most amazing person on the plane, and greatly enjoys simply being in his presence.
“I love Nalis so deeply… he’s just so alluring, and nice, and cool, and sweet, and charming, and good and everything! I’m so glad he stole my first kiss (and my virginity). It might be a little embarrassing to say this, but if you couldn’t tell… I smell like fish often because of how much we…’re around eachother.”
  • Aldon
I love my babies.
  • Bösema (Mother): Formerly unbeknownst to Kahræz, his mother is a high-ranking member of a Xuvan cult, and lived in Lodhir as a spy, keeping tabs on Bollodar and the council, with specific missions on Doru. She told her son (whom she mainly cared about as a tool to seem less suspicious) a cover story of escaping from a city of Xuva worshippers while she was pregnant with him.
“My mother… an agent of the demonweb pits. I… never had a great relationship with my mother, she was somewhat neglectful, but… this still hurts so much. And I never had any suspicions.”
  • Gestahlæn (Sister): Kahræz’s sister, whom he was formerly unaware of. She is a passionate wizard, and an active enemy of the cult. Bösema was unsuccessful in indoctrinating her into the cult, which is part of the reason she never tried with Kahræz.
“I have an older sister. It’s… hard to believe but… I think I’m glad? I’m glad obviously, I mean, it’s just… so strange. It feels as if a hole in my heart that I was unaware of has been filled.”
  • Billiira (Niece): Steal

Religious Views

Obviously, Kahæz is fully devoted to the Ariannewyn, though he does also give his prayers to Varalon, Eirene, Adon, Lufeya, Mira, and Nuwa


Often looks down or away somewhat while speaking to people.

Hobbies & Pets

Owns an Abyssal Chick he won at a contest in Gilja, named 'Bibi'. The vast majority of the time, she is left under the care of Lanill.


Stutters a little, speaks softly.

A high-rank priest of Ariannewyn. Freed countless drow and other peoples from the Underdark.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good, with Chaotic tendencies
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Holds a noble title within the Alliance of Free Cities, alongside his fellow adventurers Baezhokin, Dream, Mica, Nalis, and Tet.
50 years
Date of Birth
Ariaen 12th, 718 N.D. (231 A.S.)
Current Residence
Silver, back length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 10 in. (1.8 m.)
160 lb. (72 kg.)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A lot of people are going to get hurt in the future. People who don't deserve it. All I can do is stand in the way of that and say: 'Not them. Me. If you're going to be hurting someone, hurt me.' Because alternative is to look at them -- to look at someone weaker and more vulnerable than I am, someone less fortunate --, and tell them I'd rather they be hurt than me."
Known Languages
Drow/Undercommon (Native), Common (Second), Elvish, Dwarvish


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