
The Queen of Summer, Queen of The Fey, The Lady of Light

Titania was the Summer Queen of the Fae Realms, leader of the Summer Fae and possibly the mightiest of all The Fae.

Divine Domains

Light, Nature

Tenets of Faith

  • Show mercy whenever you can.
  • Battle should be a last resort.
  • Embrace all as friends or lovers.


Contacts & Relations

Titania had a famous love affair with Oberon, the Green Lord, and it was he who built her palace. Some even called the couple husband and wife, while admitting that both took other lovers freely. At other times, they were also great enemies; at still other times, they were both lover and foe at the same time. Damh, the god of satyrs and korreds, was seen as Titania and Oberon's son. Verenestra, the goddess of dryads, was considered Titania's daughter. Frost was also a son of Titania.   The so-called "Inner Circle" of sylvan gods respected Titania as their queen and deferred to her in matters of judgment. Skerrit, god of centaurs, and other "Outer Circle" gods did not follow Titania's rule, but she had great love for them and their worshipers nonetheless.   The Sylvanarr were on good terms with Queen Titania and were willing to aid her whenever she requested it of them.   The Queen of Air and Darkness was rumored to be the dark sister of Titania. Whatever the truth, Titania refused to wage open war against the evil queen and instead grieved for her.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Neutral Good


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