
The World Shaper, The Mountain King, Father of The Titanborn, The Rune-keeper (a.k.a. Ymir, Brimir, or Bláinn)

God of Giants, Continents, and Mountains. It is he who shapes the land as it is meant to be. He is one of the oldest gods aside from Tiamat and Gadriel. As father of giants he is chiefly worshiped by them, and many of his more fanatical followers believe he will bring forth a Titanborn to lead the giants to rule the world once more.   Some among the Dwarves worship him as their creator due to his dominion over stone. This sect of believers speak tales that his body became Rūne itself, and that by reaching the center of the world they will reach the heart of Aurgelmir. Upon reaching the heart one could become Titanborn.

Divine Domains

Nature, Giants, Strength

Tenets of Faith

  • Stand firm against the trials of life, to fall is the greatest failing one could achieve.
  • Only through the strengthening of the body can one become more.
  • Oaths spoaken are set in stone, to break an oath is to break yourself.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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