History of Rūne

The great ages of Rūne

The Great Shattering

... 100

The beginning where the gods began shaping Primordial chaos.

  • 1 GS

    1 /1 01:00

    Tiamat's Awakening
    Era beginning/end

    Tiamat's birth as the first goddess, and the binding of The Primal Chaos.

  • 50 GS

    The First Roars
    Life, Birth

    Tiamat creates the first dragons.

The Primordial Epoch

100 900

The Primordial Titans fought against The Greater Order of the gods

  • 2 PE

    1 /1

    Titan's Rise

    The Titanborn, Celestial Dragons, and Archangels are created by the gods to act as guardians and soldiers in their war against the Titans.

Titan's Fall

1000 1700

The Dragons rose up and brought down the dominions of the giantkin.

  • 112 TF

    11 /1

    The Fall of Shinodeus
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Shinodeus as The Commander of Heaven's forces saw the threat of The Abyss that had formed during The Primordial Epoch. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he went to face The Abyss, disobeying Gadriel. As punishment for him, and all the angels involved with his misdeed, he was cast into The Hells.

The Celestial Hegemony

2000 6000

The Dragon's ruled over the mortal races as they were beginning to rise in number.

  • 2 CH

    15 /5

    The founding of The Throne of Heavens
    Era beginning/end

    The Dragon Ascendency is formed as The Council of Lords created The Throne of Heavens.

  • 3001 CH

    15 /3

    The Divine Rivalry
    Life, Birth

    The rivalry of Elvandis and Yarzog begins as they create Elven and Orcish races.

  • 3501 CH

    20 /9

    The Founding
    Construction beginning/end

    The creation of Amamythra, legendary city of Elvenkind.

The Age of Fire

6000 8000

Dragon-kind and Elven-kind fought ferociously for dominance of the world.

  • 1256 AF

    21 /7

    The Blessings of Mylaela

    Mylaela blessed a great number of Elves with the ability to live in the water.

The Mythic Era

8000 16000

The shift of powers from Elvenkind to Humanity as other Humanoid species rose up.

  • 6563 ME

    22 /8

    The Golden Accord
    Cultural event

    Princess Athlonia of The Hidden Vale falls in love with King Morromir of Adraemador, creating the line of Caladin.

  • 8001 ME

    28 /5

    The Great Signing
    Era beginning/end

    The great nations of the time gathered together and agreed on open trade and the construction of several massive bridges to keep the continents connected as they were drifting apart.

The Bridge Pact

16000 20000

An age highlighted by the construction of great bridges, and agreement amongst the major powers to allow free trade.

  • 1 BP

    28 /5

    The Great Signing
    Era beginning/end

    The great nations of the time gathered together and agreed on open trade and the construction of several massive bridges to keep the continents connected as they were drifting apart.

The Age of Enlightenment

26300 29000

An age of religious fervor that culminated in The Night of Terrors.

  • 1536 A.E.

    28 /2

    Founding of Corrallis
    Political event

    After the war of independence and the formation of The Alliance of Free-cities, Corrallis was formed.