The Underdark Timeline

This timeline covers the major events of the Underdark.

Arcane Expansion

1 AE – 6300 AE

During this time The Lost Empire of the surface embraced magical sciences and began massive expansion efforts as they developed powerful weapons. They formed a powerful alliance with the kingdom of Kuldor. With the Mage-tech they received the kingdom of Kuldor became the birth place of The Desomir Empire. During this time the Desomir empire built The Imperial Highway, and the golem army.

  • 266 AE

    Rise of the Iron Legions
    Construction beginning/end

    The kingdom of Kuldor creates The Iron Legions and begins expanding.

  • 306 AE

    Formation of the Desomir Empire

    The kingdom of Kuldor, after conquering several other dwarven, drow, and gnome kingdoms is reformed into the Desomir Empire, named after the ruling family the Desons.

Heart Seekers

1 HS – 6000 HS

Although large parts of The Desomir Empire were lost, they began a new era of trying to seek out The Heart of Dwarven Kind. This time period was viewed as a spiritual reformation for The Desomir empire, but unfortunately ended in much despair for dwarven-kind as a whole. This culminated in the end of the era as much of the great Imperial Highway was lost from both the Spellplague, and the swarms of corrupted creatures.

  • 5904 HS
    Founding of Bollodar

    The city of Bollodar is built upon the remains of an ancient dwarven city, becoming the deepest city controlled by the Desomir Empire.

Noble Dreams

1 ND and Beyond

The era began with the fall of The Desomir Empire, and the expansion of the Drow inquisition. In this time Bollodar struggles to maintain it's existence.

  • 1 ND
    The Night of Screams
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The goddess Mira is assassinated by Hystia during an attempt by Seleste to take complete control of the Weave. It ended in the Spellplague, which lasted for 15 years.

  • 640 ND
    Battle of the Three Armies
    Military: Battle

    A major battle that took place around Bollodar. This battle was major for Astaro Windrivver because it showed her capabilities to lead, and it solidified Archanax as one of the greastest schools of magic.

  • 752 ND
    Reaching the Surface

    The Hopeless reach the surface and begin forming a safe route from the Underdark to the surface for the first time.