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Madam Eva's reading to Rose


Focus: The Innocent (reversed)

  This was Rose's focus card in the previous reading; the reversal indicated that she was innocent, but not helpless.   "But I tell you nothing you do not already know."

The root of the past (left of focus): The Healer (reversed)

  "There were healers in your past, of all kinds--but also someone who worked as the dark shadow of a healer, deliberately bringing harm, hatred, and destruction to everyone your family touched."    

Aspect of the past (top left): The Swashbuckler

  "Many in your family fought selflessly to bring help and hope to others."    

Aspect of the past (center left): The Dark Master

  "Yet virtuous actions drew the attention of a being of great evil and power, one who took goodness as a personal slight. And I see this . . . Dark Man is connected to Vanya as well."    

Aspect of the past (bottom left): The Torturer

  "This . . . this is one of the darkest cards of the tarokka. From the moment your family ran afoul of him, the Dark Man has been visiting torment and death upon them. Neither your father's madness nor Anton's corruption were coincidences; your father shared your blood, and Anton helped someone who shared that blood, and both paid the price."    

The present (top center): The Marionette

  Vanya's focus card.   "But I tell you nothing you do not already know. The two of you are linked, inextricably."    

The future (right of focus): The Artifact

  "The ring from your grandmother has powerful magic; under no circumstances are you to take it off if you wish for your future to be a happy one. Your father took it off, just once, and that was when the Dark Man struck. If you remove it, only darkness awaits."    

Future Path (top right): The Broken One (reversed)

  "There is a man in an asylum in Darkon. His mind shattered when it touched something too powerful for him to understand, but he can help you, and there is a chance he can be healed." (You haven't resolved this one yet, but the most famous asylum in Darkon is in the city of Maykle.)    

Future Path (center right): The Mists

  "Your family has roots deep within the place with the strongest ties to the Mists themselves." (Resolved--this was pointing you toward Covington Manor in Mordent.)    

Future Path (bottom right): The Heretic

  "A band of heretics in the Forest of Rats. They have knowledge of your family's past." (Resolved--these were the Cupbearers, some of whom believe Isolde  is Ezra reborn and Rose is her scion.)    

Outcome (bottom center): The Evoker

  "You will learn of your family, yes--but knowledge will bring dark discoveries and overwhelming temptations, bringing you face to face with evil far beyond your ken."

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