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Elitheris Dyrdahl, Princess of Disks

Elitheris Dyrdahl (a.k.a. Eli, Madryn Jhori (Little Shadow))

"My smile will change the world, but the world will never change my smile."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and gangly.

Body Features

Skin like burnt honey, long and curly strawberry blonde hair.

Facial Features

Round face, Elvin nose, freckles on her cheeks and nose.

Physical quirks

Right handed, has 5 dimples when she smiles, two on the right and three on the left.

Apparel & Accessories

When not wearing armor Eli prefers to wear textiles in colors traditional to the Tlaslo Tonrar. She also wears a charcoal hat with a gaudy red feather gifted to her by Captain Allisander that is too large for her. It will more often be hanging from her neck than on her head. She prefers pants to skirts or dresses so she can run. In cooler weather she wears a dark green cloak.

Specialized Equipment

An Elvin Ironwood lute that belonged to her Mother and a finely forged silver rapier branded with an acid etched raven glyph on the hilt gifted to her by Eren.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eli was born and raised in the Tlaslo Tonrar village of Salluit. She never left the small prior to the start of the campaign. She lived with her Mother, Keletheryl (a wood-elf) and Father, Taka (a Tlaslo Tonrar human), in a large but secluded cottage near the local woods. Taka is a skilled blacksmith and provided his family with a very comfortable life. Eli spent most of her days in the company of her Mother, learning the art of music, storytelling, and performance. Although she was the only half-elf in Salluit, Eli was only teased by a small handful of young boys; Anarsi and a few of his friends.   Although she loved her Mother and Papa dearly, her favorite person is her older half-brother Erendial Madyrn-Valael. Eli's favorite stories were Mother's tales of all the adventures Eren had in the military, and the time he shared with his great love, Nika. Although he was only in Salluit for short periods prior to their Mother's illness, Eli adored Eren and would follow him everywhere when he was home. Mother began calling her Madryn Jhori, the Elvish phrase for "Little Shadow".   Eli was overcome with joy with Eren came to live in Salluit full-time. However, that joy was short lived. Eli began catching her Brother sleeping instead of trancing with increasing frequency. Then, Eli watched Mother's health deteriorate for several months and realized Eren stayed to take care of her. Exactly one week before Eli's 12th birthday, Mother died. Eli, Eren and Taka burned her body pursuant to her Elvin belief in reincarnation.   In the week after Mother's death Eli noticed her brother’s behavior worsen, and the already strained relationship between Eren and Papa deteriorate. On her birthday, Eren gave Eli a finely forged silver rapier branded with an acid etched raven glyph on the hilt. The gift infuriated Taka. He and Eren fought for hours, causing Eli to run to her bedroom in tears. Eli returned to the common room when she heard the sounds of crashing and saw Eren grappling Taka. She cried out and Eren released him. Taka, still in a rage, punched Eren in the face. Eren silently went into his room, quickly packed a bag, and left.   Eli heard the slamming of the door while tending to Taka’s wounds. She ran to the door, opened it, and saw Eren quickly walking down in the hill in a raging storm. Eli cried out for him, but he didn't respond.   Taka tried to comfort her, but Eli was enraged, blaming him for Eren's sudden departure. She waited until Taka was asleep, then quickly gathered her mother’s lute, the rapier, her mother’s ashes, gold, leather armor, and some personal belongings, and took off after her Eren.   She found him in a tavern near Salluit’s port, asleep at the bar. The tavern keep was trying to wake him up, yelling that he was going miss his boat. With Eli’s help, Eren woke up enough to get onto his feet, but was barely coherent. Using herself as a crutch, Eli helped him to the boat. The captain, Alissander, didn’t want to let him board, but Eli promised to play for the crew every night for a room and meals. Taking a liking to her, Allisander agreed.   When he awoke, Eren was livid that Eli had followed him and demanded she return home at the next port. Eli refused insisting that they needed to take Kele’s ashes back to her ancestral woods. Eventually, Eren reluctantly agreed.

Gender Identity





Eli was mostly educated at home by her Mother; an accomplished storyteller. Most of Eli's understanding of world history comes from her Mother's stories. When her Mother's illness became more serious, Eli was sent to a small school in Salluit to hide the symptoms from her and allow her Mother to rest.

Mental Trauma

Having been kidnapped and held against her will by Lord Dacey, Eli hates being confined. This was exacerbated when she was bound, gagged and blindfolded by the Mau, a smuggler group, in connection to Eren's secret plan to keep her safe. She used to love hugs, but now, a tight hug will cause her to pull back in fear.   Additionally, having been lied to about her Brother's past by both her Mother and Brother, Eli will lash out if lied to.

Intellectual Characteristics

Eli understands the world through fantastical stories. She often creates stories to help her mentally process difficult ideas. She lived a sheltered and secluded life prior to the start of her adventure and is naive to many ways of the world.

Morality & Philosophy

Naive, kind, empathetic.


Anything that would deny people to have the freedom to make their own choices.   Liars.

Personality Characteristics


Eli longs to be seen as a symbol of hope, using her position as the Princess of Disks to do so.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Storytelling, performing, singing, and playing the lute, lyre, drums, and flute.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves all sweets, particularly cinnamon buns, music, stories particularly love stories, and the color pink

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind, generous, friendly, loyal.

Personality Quirks

Flinches when hugged


Family Ties

Erendial Madyrn-Valael is her older brother, her hero, and her best friend. She would do anything to make him happy or to save him.

Religious Views

Respects both Tlaslo Tonrar and Wood Elf deities.

Social Aptitude

Extremely charasmatic. People are drawn to her joy.

Hobbies & Pets

In her free time Eli will write her own stories and music, practice the ones her Mother taught her, or will learn to ones from the ancestral book Eren gave to her in his Estate.


Wealth & Financial state

While not rich, her father's success as a prominent blacksmith allowed Eli to grow up in a large and comfortable cottage with two-floors and glass windows. She had her own bedroom and did not want for anything.
Year of Birth
2269 ARC 13 Years old
Bright Blue, Large, Round
Long, curly, strawberry-blonde
4' 9"
90 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish.

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