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Erendial Madyrn-Valael, Prince of Cups

Erendial Madyrn Valael (a.k.a. Eren, The Shadow Raven, The Raven)

"I thought we could fix the world. We failed. I have a second chance, and maybe I can save it, you, and her."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eren is lithe, with well defined muscles. He is agile, fast, and very precise in his movements, almost feline, and almost as quiet too.

Body Features

Dark bronzed skin

Facial Features

Sharp cheekbones and an angular jawline, A relatively thin face.

Identifying Characteristics

A straight, thin, horizontal scar behind the left eye moving towards the ear. The marks of the court on his left and right arms, as well as the symbol of the Prince of Cups on his left wrist. When seen without a shirt, there are many scars across his body, most prominent, two matching scars, on his back and abdomen, as if he had once been impaled.

Physical quirks

Erendial is ambidextrous.

Apparel & Accessories

When not wearing armor, he typically wears a darker colored fitted blouse that he has removed the sleeves from when temperatures allow. Dark brown hooded cloak worn over that.

Specialized Equipment

Wears a silver elven blade as his left hip, and a short sword on his right.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the 50 years since the fall of the empire, Erendial has lost his way. It took several years to recover from his injury, and in that time, he watched things go from bad to worse. The skills he practiced for the empire for years atrophied, as he traveled from place to place, always looking over his shoulder, worried that those who tried to kill him were still looking for him. As time passed, and the Empire fully collapsed, he felt more free to move, and dedicated time to looking for his mother, who last he knew, made it out of Racine before the collapse. When he returned to the ancestral lands, he was barred entry, as his role in the collapse was known by the elves, but, they did confirm that his mother was not there.   The following decades were spent searching, looking for any sign of where she went. Eventually, luck shone upon him, and a lead directed him to a smaller port town, where he found his mother living with a human man, and pregnant. Despite the protests of her husband, Erendial came to stay with them for long periods of time. His mother seemed incapable of accepting that he was not the hero he once was, and that he played a prominent role in the collapse of the empire. In his eyes, her soul seemed lost.   When Elitheris was born, his mother seemed to come back to life in many ways, doting on the new baby, and Erendial started spending more time in the home, having taken a strong liking to his half-elven sister. He taught her the basics of swordplay, and encouraged her love of music. When their mother got sick, he would stay for longer visits, and when she passed, he stayed permanently.   During the post collapse years, Erendial could not escape reliving his memories of the coup. He started drinking more to escape, and when that didn’t help, started sleeping, like humans, instead of trancing like most elves. He still has nightmares, but they’re better than the guilt he relives through his own reveries.   On the anniversary of his mom’s death, and Eli’s 12th birthday, Erendial got into a huge argument with her father, over giving her a sword, and left the home, drunk, and booked passage on a ship, not even sure where it was headed. When he came too, more than a day later, he was shocked to see his sister with him on the ship…

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

In his past life, Erendial was feared by many who knew him. In his prime, he was the chief assassin for the Emperor, and a major part of the imperial spy network.

Mental Trauma

Recoving alcoholic, deep emotional loss, lack of purpose

Intellectual Characteristics

Pragmatic, calculating.

Morality & Philosophy

"Do what is best for the greater good, even if it means that my own hands will be stained."


Slavery is an abomination. Oppressing the weak for personal gain at the expense of the many is an abuse of power.

Personality Characteristics


The world is dying. He does not want his sister to grow old in a world that is dying around her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bottles up his own emotions, and takes it out on others. Derisive of ideas he thinks are stupid or inept.

Likes & Dislikes

Eren likes music, and his sister's playing is one of the few things that truly relaxes him.


Contacts & Relations

Melker Grarand is his oldest living friend, a graying dwarf who he know from his imperial service, who is now a harbormaster in the city of Naphio.

Family Ties

Elitheris Dyrdahl is his younger sister, and the only person in his life who he truly cares about. Nikoleta Thetis was his companion, but she was lost to him when he was attacked. He only recently learned that she is trapped between life and death.

Religious Views

Erendial believes in paying small tribute to the elven gods. Quick prayers before setting out on a journey, etc. He does not go to worship, nor have much time for priests.

Social Aptitude

At home amongst the nobility and merchant classes, he knows the methods and patterns of the aristocracy. However, it is just as comfortable amongst soldiers and sailors. Erendial is confident bordering on cocky, and arrogant about most younger people's abilities. He is often rude, curt, and cynical these days.

Hobbies & Pets

He carves small wooden idols and trinkets when bored.


Year of Birth
1974 ARC 308 Years old
Thysaer Cysti
Current Residence
Bright Green, almond shaped
Very short platinum blonde/white.
Known Languages
Elven, Common

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