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Innate Friendliness

Halflings easily warm to creatures of other races that don’t try to do them harm. Appearance doesn’t matter; what counts is a creature’s fundamental character, and if the halflings are convinced of a creature’s good intentions then they will respond well. This openness doesn’t extend all the way to naiveté. Halflings won’t be taken in by merely a promise of good intentions and their instinct for self preservation makes them wary of any new “friend” that doesn’t come across a genuine.   This aspect of the halfling mindset accounts for what members of other races often characterize as courage -- a halfling about to enter the unknown doesn’t feel fear as much as wonderment. Instead of being frightened the halfling remains optimistic, confident of having a good story to tell when it’s all over.  

Halflings and the Empire

Throughout recorded history, halfings have never sought to expand their reach beyond the borders of their isolated communities. Their villages are traditionally hard to find and are most often tucked away in hidden pockets of the meadowlands, moors, and gullies of the world.   Halflings were abundantly grateful for the protection offered by the Rachina Empire as it allowed them the peace of mind to work their land and live their lives without threats from orcs or goblins. Under the Empire’s rule, many halfling communities became more visible agricultural hubs. When produce was brought to market throughout the Empire, halfling-grown goods were prized above all others.   Soldiers dispatched on patrol would often draw straws to determine which company had the pleasure of making rounds through halfling territories, as any member of that patrol would be treated to a veritable feast in each halfling village they passed through.   Since the fall of the Empire, halfling communities have suffered. The larger agricultural halfling towns found themselves swiftly beset by the growing goblin and demon populations that filled the void left behind by the Empire. Any city near such a halfling community has found itself faced with an influx of halflings seeking refuge and shelter.

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