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Mollye'aleera Cintna, Princess of Cups

Princess of Cups Mollye'aleera Cintna (a.k.a. Mollye)

There once was a Duyen cartographer who fell in love with the sea. He sailed into many sunsets, saw wondrous new places, and met countless new people, all the while drawing maps for those who wished to see all that he had spoken of in his stories. His life and love was the sea, that is, until he happened upon a lonely island in the middle of endless open water that stretched on for miles. The sailor met a woman there whose eyes sparkled like starlight and whose beauty was as radiant as the sun. She’s said to have commandeered his heart… along with his crew and vessel. He’d found a new love, and from that love came a beautiful baby girl.   Me.   At least, that’s the story my father continues to tell me to this day. I don’t have the heart to press what happened to mother, or why he refuses to take me back to her people. Now that I am older, I can tell it’s painful for him. But I can’t help the pull the sea brings to me and the longing I feel to know my people. I am like my father in that sense… So stubborn. My father has been missing for some time now. He insisted on going this job alone and I fear something may have happened. Coin is scarce and only growing scarcer. I take odd jobs to get by but I don’t know how much more of this I can keep up on my own. I need to find my father.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mollye has an average female build with defined arms from helping work on ships since she was a child.

Body Features

Mollye has teal skin that has an almost iridescent highlight in the sun. She also has some prominent birthmarks and freckles. If you stand Mollye next to her father, you'll see some of the very same placements.

Identifying Characteristics

Mollye was born with the Princess of Cups symbol on her left wrist, though up until recently she hadn't known that was the significance of it. She had always believed, and had been told to believe, that it was gifted to her by her mother. As far as she's concerned, that still holds true.

Special abilities

Mollye has a deep connection to water, the sea especially so. Being a druid of aquatic elven origin, Mollye's discovered her connection to the sea goes well beyond sailing. She becomes stronger in the water, can bend water to her will, and can commune with animals and the elements via sonar when emerged.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Not yet unlocked.


Mollye was homeschooled by her father. They traveled often, so enrolling Mollye into colleges didn't seem appropriate.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Not yet unlocked.

Mental Trauma

Mollye suffered brief mental trauma being forced rather quickly to face the very reality of her own mortality during the Court's very first Atu fight. She struggled with finding her footing in reality again, often times believing she was trapped in a waking dream. Thankfully her allies were able to get her back on solid ground.


Never make a promise to Mollye you don't intend to keep.
Don't treat her like a child.

Personality Characteristics


Mollye's family is the most important thing in her life, even when they are far from her. Her father is her biggest motivation.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale.
  • The sea. The sea is freedom — the freedom to go anywhere and do anything.
  • Romance Novels.
  • Hahn.
  • Untrustworthy types.
  • Being perceived as naive.

Vices & Personality flaws

Once someone questions her courage, Mollye never backs down no matter how dangerous the situation.


Contacts & Relations

Hahn - Best friend, current Harbor Master in Naphio.
Melkor - acquaintance of her father's.

Family Ties


Religious Views

Mollye is loyal to Auril, though she isn't unaware of the presence of other gods and is not above seeking their guidance if she knows they are more knowledgeable in the task at hand.

Social Aptitude

Mollye's reserved in her demeanor but not in her words. She could chat your ear off if given the opportunity and is likely to go off on tangents, giving voice to her thoughts without much filter.


Mollye often uses the word "oh" to convey surprise, disgust, affection, confusion, curiosity, anger, and sadness.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Cups
Year of Birth
2253 ARC 29 Years old
Current Residence
Grey with yellow sclera
Teal, short, and messy undercut bob.
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan.

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