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Sah-Ghan Svatan, Prince of Disks

Prince of Disks Sah-Ghan Svatan

Member of the Court of Eight, Sah-Ghan wields the charge of the Prince of Disks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, lean and athletic build.

Body Features

Amber kissed skin, long dark auburn hair color.

Facial Features

Thin faced, mild scruff on his face.

Identifying Characteristics

He bears the mark of the Prince of Disks on his left wrist. Both his hands are scarred with healed burn marks from improper magic execution. This is rarely seen as he would formerly bandage his hands to conceal the burns and scar. Presently, he wears bright leather gloves gifted by Mollye to conceal and protect his hands.   Due to his heterochromia iridium, his left eye is brown in color and right eye is blue in color.   A black colored streak runs down the length of his hair.

Special abilities

He can comprehend most languages.

Apparel & Accessories

While frequently wearing the general textiles traditional to Tlaslo Tonrar, Sah-Ghan wears additional cloaking suited more for concealment.

Specialized Equipment

Sah-Ghan carries a black, weathered, thinly leather-bound book strapped tightly to his person.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Mental Trauma

Being the last individual to have remained alive from his tribe. Lack of self-worth.

Intellectual Characteristics

Spiritual thinker. Understands that no part of the world is consistent in ideals therefore takes lessons in all social encounters.

Morality & Philosophy

Family(tribe) before anything else, no matter what the cost.

Personality Characteristics


Sah-Ghan seeks to make up for the actions of his past that have brought him to the Court of Eight.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bottles up his emotions. Has a preference of picking up the bottle than discuss his ailments.

Likes & Dislikes

The stories his grand-nan used to tell him that would make him smile. Stories about travelers; Epic tales of warriors and magic. Reading and writing

Virtues & Personality perks

Active listener, selfless, loyal.

Personality Quirks

Given his upbringing, he's very privy to sleeping on floors. People find that weird.   Wakes up perpetually startled from nightmares he experiences most nights.


Contacts & Relations

He had a friend named Torbin whom he hasn't seen since acquiring his mark. While not much is known about him, it seems he was directly involved in Sah-Ghan's practice of magic and the magical cult, the Nur.

Family Ties

As a member of the Yurumek tribe, he had a communal upbringing. He grew up not knowing his parents as they died from illness when he was still a baby. His grandmother raised him and other tribe children with the upmost discipline required to be part of a tribe.

Religious Views

Sah-Ghan grew up under the teachings of Auril. It is unsure what his current stance is on spirituality given his magical training.

Social Aptitude

Mostly quiet, he usually keeps to himself but given the opportunity, he will always enthusiastically participate in communal events. He respects people and their space.

Hobbies & Pets

Sah-Ghan creates light effects with rocks or other small objects to pass the time or drift into thought.


Sah-Ghan grunts with dissatisfaction.

Wealth & Financial state

His perception on wealth is mostly tied to a bartering system and doesn't fully comprehend the relationship of modern currency with the value of goods and services
Year of Birth
2253 ARC 29 Years old
Hailing from the nomadic tribe of the Yurumeks whom resided in the Northern Mountains.
Current Residence
Long Dark Auburn w Black Streak
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish. & more.

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