Seong Su-Min

The White Dragonborn, Seong Su-Min, holds the title of Speaker representing Yeonido. Atypical of most Dragonborn, Su-Min's features are delicate, almost fragile, even her quills are softened enough to weave into a braid. Adding to this impression of fragility is her poor state of health, as she is prone to exhaustion and near-constant weariness.   To entertain herself during her periods of convalescence, Su-Min devotes herself to the Haegeum, a traditional Yeonidan string instrument. Indeed music is one of her chief passions, and she can often be overheard humming tunes as she composes them mentally.   A largely unpopular figure among the speakers for her uncooperative attitude, Su-Min is naturally suspicious of others' intentions and is reticent to share information. She does, however, savour the freedom being Speaker on the Radiant Citadel gives her from Yeonido's smothering bureaucracy and customs, forcing her to walk a tightrope of keeping herself guarded without risking removal for failing to support Yeonido's interests within the Radiant Citadel.   The reason behind Seong Su-Min's physical condition and her aloof demeanor are closely tied, but guarded: Her first and most ardent love interest was manipulative and abusive, bent on keeping Su-Min pliant and submissive. After meeting with a sudden death Su-Min's lover rose again as an aggressive Gwishin and attacked Su-Min, clawing away some of her very life force!   To this day that same Gwishin has avoided all attempts by the Spirit Arbiters to appease it, and the powerful family it belonged to in life will not permit them to banish it, and so Su-Min has conspired with outsiders and adventurers to see it destroyed herself, though so far her attempts have met with failure.   Even after living through such a trauma Su-Min finds her heart is still vulnerable to romantic overtures, and so she protects herself by keeping any potential suitors at arms length out of fear she may be manipulated once more.
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