Xing Zhong-Qian

Xing Zhong-Qian, a female Human and a low ranked princess of one of the White Jade Emperor's spouses, holds the position of Speaker for Yongjing and for Great Xing in general.   Formerly admired within the Butterfly Palace for her skill as an actor in the historical romances popular among the elite, her terminal illness has reduced her stage voice to a whisper that she mitigates by using a wand of Thaumaturgy. This difficult delivery cannot disguise her forceful personality and Hot temper, both at those who treat her as if she is fragile, and at herself when her body betrays her.   Through a combination of a pampered childhood, the creative mind of an actor, and the war between the illness and the various tinctures she takes to cope with it, Zhong-Qian is prone to whimsical thoughts that sometimes feel untethered to the real world, lately these thoughts have attached themselves to the Gloaming, which she observes from her favorite spot at the Passage of Respite.