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Much of the Apis’ existence focused on the cycle of birth, reproduction, and death. Apis mystics had magic to find a person’s destined mate, and if they had difficulty conceiving, the Apis could aid that process as well. Apis oversaw the rituals that accompanied puberty, adulthood, and partnership, as well those of aging, maturing, and death. For the Apis, there was no greater honor than to bring a person into the world, advise him during his life, and then escort him out of it, acting as their charge’s midwife, teacher, and pallbearer.

No one knows what finally broke the Apis’s overtaxed patience, but when it happened, it happened all at once. Overnight, the Apis withdrew from every Garou community. The Garou were surprised and inconvenienced, but above all, they were offended. From their point of view, the Apis had not just broken their promises, they had forsaken the Breed’s sacred duty before Gaia.

The Garou retaliated, heaping further insult upon the Apis. They accused the wereaurochs of cowardice, saying that they fled Garou communities because they feared defending young werewolves against the Wyrm. The Apis could have tolerated any other lie, but the claim that they would not protect children placed in their care was more than they could bare. Around the world, wereaurochs issued a challenge to those Garou who had tried their patience, inviting them all to a single location where the two Breeds could settle their differences in combat.

The bovine breed is called the Aurochs. It starts with Gnosis 5 like all beast breeds in the Savage Age.

Rage: 1

Rage: 3

Rage: 5

They use Rage and step sideways like the Garou. They are capable of Frenzy (difficulty always 8). They regenerate and suffer damage like the Garou, though they are vulnerable to silver and gold.
In Minotaur and Aurochs form, Apis had long horns that allowed them to gore opponents (difficulty 7, Strength +2 damage). This damage was aggravated in Minotaur form, lethal in Aurochs.

Homid: no changes
Minotaur: Str +5, Dex +1, Sta +3, App 0 Man -3
Aurochs: Str +2. Dex +1. Sta +4, Man -3
Scientific Name
Först den uråldriga mesonyx och när den dog ut auroch
Geographic Distribution


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