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Bone Gnawers

The Bone Gnawers are one of the thirteen tribes of Garou. The scavengers and survivors of the Garou, the Bone Gnawers are seen by the other tribes as little more than mongrels who sift through the waste of mankind. The Bone Gnawers see themselves as underdogs, waiting to triumph against overconfident foes. Since the days of Ancient Greece, Bone Gnawers tend to organize themselves in democratic communities. Experienced Bone Gnawers are elected to act as an "Elder" for a sept. This Elder is in no way obliged to listen to other sept members, but most do so, knowing that it is the support of the people that gave them their station. The most accomplished Elders are accepted as Tribal Elders, and usually addressed with the honorific "Father" or "Mother".

Freedom and practicality rule above all else when it comes to the Bone Gnawers. They care little for the supposed superiority of Garou and are content to remain in the alleys, gutters, and sewers of man as long as it means they can live on their own terms.
Most Bone Gnawers are extremely savvy when it comes to surviving in the streets of man. No other tribe is as accomplished at urban fighting as the Bone Gnawers, and surprise is considered their primary tactic. Many Bone Gnawers encourage the ideas of their lesser status, as it can be turned into an advantage when their enemies underestimate them.

  Although rare, there are septs of rural Bone Gnawers. They tend to lead simple lives, but still hold strongly to the ideals of freedom that their urban cousins share.

Bone Gnawers rarely hold formal moots. Their idea of bonding is usually some level of debauchery — stealing food and booze, going on a roundabout tour of their territory, settling old grudges, and paying off old debts as the opportunity presents itself.

  • The Swarm: This pack focuses on the war-aspect of rat, concentrating on dirty fighting and exploiting every advantage they get over an enemy. They specialize in urban terrorism, striking against the Wyrm and instantly disappearing.
  • Frankweilers: This camp focuses on the protection of museums, libraries, and other places of culture within a city.
  • The Hood: This camp is dedicated on distributing the wealth from the rich to the poor, provided that the money they provide is used for useful things.
  • Rat Finks: The Garou of this camp are spies and information gatherers, a network of kinfolk and Garou who work low-end jobs that just so happen to give them access to high-end information.
  • Hillfolk: The Hillfolk are compromised of rural Bone Gnawers, who have eschewed the life within the city for the wilderness.
  • Deserters: The Deserters are a camp that searches for a sanctuary for the Apocalypse. Some seek a second Gaia, and others just a place far, far away, but either way, they do not want to stick around for what's about to happen.
  • Road Warders: This camp is compromised of nomads who guard the streets and travelways against incursions from the minions of the Wyrm.
  One camp is ostracized and banned among the Tribe.

The Man-eaters: This camp gains power by breaching the tenet of the Litany that forbids cannibalism of human flesh. They are few today and many of the remaining have allied with the similar Eaters of the Dead camp among the Silent Striders.
Controlled Territories
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