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Children of Gaia

The Children of Gaia are one of the thirteen tribes of Garou. The peacekeepers of the Garou, the Children work for understanding between the tribes and hope to eventually form all tribes into a unified front against the Wyrm. The Children of Gaia are often used as mediators in disputes between packs, septs, or tribes.

Pack and septs of the Children are often loosely organized, and although they have a distinct hierarchy of members, they tend not to hold to ranks as strictly as other tribes. The Elders are generally open to the younger generation's contributions, and Children of Gaia do not tend towards the same aggressive and physical enforcement of rank that many other tribes do.
The Children of Gaia sept is believed to be lead by two leaders. The female 'Voice of Gaia' and the male 'Arm of Gaia'. Besides that, their septs have the usual offices.

  There are no regular global moots or over-regional leaders known.

  As part of their peace-loving nature, the Children of Gaia frequently work with and through human environmental organizations. They are the Garou who tend to work with the governments of humans, pushing through pro-environment laws and regulations as often as they can.

Children of Gaia moots range widely, from contemplative to raucous. Some are serene affairs focusing on meditation, quiet discussion, and solemn introspection. Others are wild revels that may include hallucinogenic reveries or even sacred communion through orgiastic group sex with humans and wolves present.

Over time, multiple Camps of the Tribe have been disbanded, since the Children of Gaia saw them as hindrances in achieving a united tribe. In the Final Nights, only a few remain.
  • The Anointed Ones: This camp has renounced violence in all its forms. They will not raise a hand to strike another creature, and constantly find new ways to free themselves of Rage to maintain that control.
  • Seekers of the Lost Tribes: This camp seeks to revive the three dead tribes of the Garou or at least learn some of their secrets to use in the war against the Wyrm.
  • Servants of Unicorn: The Servants of Unicorn are masters of diplomacy and are specialized in mediating in-Tribe conflicts within the Nation.
  • The Patient Deed: This camp believes in refraining from violence until it is absolutely necessary. Needless to say, they are often at odds with some of the more martial tribes like the Get of Fenris.
  • Imminent Strike: The Imminent strike is the war-camp of the Tribe, seeking to unite all Garou for the final battle.
  Additionally, there is one heretic camp banned by the Nation and the Tribe.

Bringers of Eternal Peace: This camp seeks to bring the Apocalypse, thinking that after the Wyrm has won, true peace will be finally achieved. They are rumored to be on the brink of falling from Gaia.
Controlled Territories
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