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Glass Walkers

The Glass Walkers are one of the thirteen tribes of Garou. Steeped in technology, human religion, and the ebb and flow of the city, the Glass Walkers live and die by a creed of progress. While they fear the Apocalypse as any werewolf, they believe that each passing day makes them stronger, that every new invention may be appropriated for their cause, and that every new philosophy might strengthen their resolve. In this way, Glass Walkers are the quintessential Urrah and don't have the strong aversion to human populations that most Garou do. As the tribe most attuned to the ebb and flow of a cosmopolitan urban civilization, the Glass Walkers resist most efforts to categorize them culturally. They do not have a "source culture" in the same way that the Fianna or the Wendigo do, and as such a Glass Walker sept in New York is likely to be entirely different to a Glass Walker sept in Istanbul. However, some generalizations can be made.

Glass Walker moots are constantly evolving, taking on new forms as the tribe borrows new leadership and organizational techniques from human agencies. They may take the form of corporate meetings that stress “agility” and organize objectives as though they were fiscal quarter goals, or they may appear like drug-fueled raves that use pulsing music to disguise planning sessions.

  • Random Interrupts, the current top dogs of the tribe, who attempt to broaden the horizon of the Garou for new developments in the umbral landscape and explore the world of new technologies, establishing a firm presence on the internet and valuing their top-notch communication.
  • Corporate Wolves, who insert themselves strongly in the corporate world and strive to keep Wyrm-influenced corporations like Pentex in check.
  • Wise Guys, a camp on the decline that focuses on organized crime. Originally, it had strong ties with the Mafia.
  • City Farmers, who cultivate greenscapes within cities in order to nurture enclaves of the Wyld within the webs of the Weaver.
  • Dies Ultima, a doomsday cult and mercenary unit that prepares for the Apocalypse by studying urban tactics and spiritual warfare, even allowing Kinfolk to join their ranks.
  • Umbral Pilots, who explore the Deep Umbra for science.

Additionally, there are the CyberDogs, who have dabbled in cyberneticism (and Weaver tech) and tried to machinize Gaia to make her more resilient against the Wyrm. The Camp was stripped of much of its power, but still persist.


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