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Werewolves need strong leaders. A strong chain of command helps them focus their Rage with discipline, without the stress of wondering who to lead and who to obey. In most small gatherings, an alpha proves his dominance by brute force. In larger gatherings, however, doing so is impractical. If a ruler has to fight off rivals constantly, he will soon become too weak to govern properly.   Garou society establishes hierarchy through a system of Renown, a measure of a hero’s deeds and service to her sept. Constant infighting wounds and weakens a sept, but this system channels such energies in a positive direction.   A werewolf’s instincts and thousands of years of tribal conditioning reinforce the need for a hierarchy. Pack instincts demand it. Every werewolf has his place. Elders rarely need to demonstrate power by abusing their lessers, and their vassals are usually content to serve. Though it may seem abusive and unequal to many modern Garou, the hierarchy does have its roots in merit. The strongest and wisest rise to the top — or so the ideal goes, at any rate.   Based on their renown, each werewolf also holds a certain rank in Garou society, and he is often addressed by his proper title.

Articles under Hierarchy


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