BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

House Rules


Roll D10, default difficulty is 6.

No bonus to roll can be higher than the natural number of dices in the pool.


No successes and at least one die show ‘1’.


Not enough successes.


Critical Success



Composure allows you to remain calm, to command your emotions, and to put others at ease despite anxiety. It is also represents your ability to stay cool in everything from firefights to intimate encounters.
Your Composure + Resolve equals your Willpower.

• The slightest insult or confrontation could drive you to frenzy.
•• You can subdue your predatory instincts in most non-hostile situations.
••• Others look to you for guidance when the blood spatter hits the fan.
•••• You can effortlessly bluff at cards.
••••• The inner emotions are your pet.


Wits are for thinking quickly and reacting correctly on little information. “You hear a sound” is Wits; “You hear two guards coming” is Intelligence. Wits let you smell an ambush or answer the Master of Rites back at the Moot right away, instead of thinking of the best response the next night.
Wits replaces the old attribute of Perception. Normal perception roll if nothing really fits - Composure + Wits.

• You get the point eventually, but it takes explaining.
•• You can bet the odds in poker or apply the emergency brakes in time. Usually.
••• You can analyze a situation and quickly work out the best escape route.
•••• You are never caught on the back foot and always come up with a smart riposte.
••••• You think and respond more quickly than most people can comprehend.


Resolve provides focus and determination, and measures concentration and mental fortitude. Resolve powers all-night watches and blocks out distractions.
Your Composure + Resolve equals your Willpower.

• You have minimal attention for all but the most pressing things.
•• You can settle in for the long haul, as long as it’s not too long.
••• Distracting you takes more effort than most other people want to spend.
•••• You can brute-force your way to a deduction past any obstacles.
••••• You can think in a gunfight or watch the door in a blood orgy and then clean up every shell casing or spilled droplet.



Se hotfull ut

Charisma + Intimidation: Stirra ner någon för att få dessa att förstå att anfall inte är det bästa just nu.

Dolt hot

Manipulation + Intimidation: Dölja ett hot emot någon utan att detta syns eller hörs av de närvarande.


Composure + Subterfuge vs Wits + Empathy: Kortspel...


Blev du just hotad?

Wits + Intimidation: Vad menade den personen egentligen med den kommentaren.


When rolling for frenzy you roll the number of dice which is higher - temporary or permanent.

If the Frenzy-roll shows four or more successes the Garou enters Frenzy either Berserk or Fox.
If the Frenzy-roll shows six or more successes the Garou enters a Frenzy type called Thrall of the Wyrm.

All modified for Rank.

Beast Within and the Curse

Occasionally, a Garou is more a snarling monster than man or beast, and she must pay the price for it. For every point of Rage a character has above her Willpower rating, she loses one die on all social-interaction rolls. People, even other werewolves, can sense the killer hiding just under her skin, and they don’t want to be anywhere near it.

Other animals, especially humans, can sense the predator that lurks just under a werewolf’s skin. When a human’s Willpower is less than a werewolf’s Rage, that human will avoid contact with the Garou if at all possible. He might cross the street to avoid “that weirdo,” decide to hail a cab rather than sticking around, or even run in fear. Humans aren’t the only creatures affected by the Curse: wolves and other animals avoid the Garou whenever possible.

This Curse makes normal relationships with humans and wolves very hard, and maintaining a family next to impossible. The Rage within a werewolf makes even their own Kinfolk uncomfortable, albeit to a lesser degree. Only other werewolves can offer a Garou true companionship. The Litany commands against the logical result of such close companionship.

Gaining Rage (p145)

To gain temporary Rage isn’t very hard, a Garou’s life is full of things that triggers their anger and thus bolster their inner fury.
Each time a temporary Rage is gained by your passion and it exceeds permanent Rage - roll for Frenzy.

Examples triggers:
  Each time a Passion is triggered
  First turn in combat
  Taking a wound
  Seeing a packmate wounded
  Having a silver weapon drawn against him

The Moon

The first time a werewolf sees the moon at night, the Beast inside stirs, and Rage floods back into her.

Under a new moon, the character gets one point;
Under a waning moon, two points;
Under a half or waxing moon, three points;
Under a full moon, four points.

This phenomenon only occurs when the character first sees the moon each night.

Spending Rage (p144)

As mentioned in the book.

A player cannot use both Rage and Gnosis in the same turn, whether spending points or rolling the Trait. The only exceptions are certain Gifts that demand both to function. These two forces are very powerful, and the Garou’s body is not strong enough to pull the power from these two natures simultaneously.

For example, a werewolf cannot spend Rage for multiple actions and activate a fetish in the same turn.

Frenzy (p261)

A Garou whose permanent Rage exceeds his permanent Gnosis attacks anything that moves. Werewolves in this state don’t remember what happens to them during a frenzy. If the Garou’s permanent Rage does not exceed her permanent Gnosis, she will not tear into her packmates — unless she’s in the Thrall of the Wyrm.   A frenzied werewolf does not feel pain, and ignores all wound penalties.   Gnosis can’t be spent or rolled for if a Rage point has been used.   Instead of using a Willpower point you can try to block your frenzy for one turn by rolling Composure + Resolve, diff 6 target same number of successes you rolled in your Frenzy roll. You can add dice with the spending of a Willpower point as normal. If fails then you can’t try again during the remaining of the time you frenzy.   A werewolf can only come out of frenzy once the triggering situation is over. Once he’s escaped, the player rolls Composure + Resolve (difficulty equaling the Garou’s own Rage) to escape the frenzy. If the roll fails, the player can try again next turn with no increase in difficulty.

Thrall of the Wyrm

Rules regarding Thrall of the Wyrm on p262 are not used.

Thrall of the Wyrm is always a Berserk Frenzy.

When a player rolls six or more successes on a Rage roll, the character enters a berserk frenzy. All the Willpower in the world won’t give her a second’s control. The character is in the Thrall of the Wyrm. All attacks are made against the nearest target (if unsure ST picks).


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