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Children, spouses, parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Nannies and wetnurses, shieldmen and support systems. Bagmen, bankers, and micro-biologists. Kinfolk are not only the Garou Nation’s families; they are the go-betweens for the Garou and the rest of the world.

Many Kinfolk know something of their heritage, but few know everything. The Impergium, for instance, isn’t usually a topic to share casually over dinner. And, since each tribe believes its views on Kinfolk is correct, they rarely discuss other tribes’ protocol with their Kin. A Garou who treats their family as near-equals doesn’t want to frighten them with horror stories of breeding stock and bullet-fodder, and one who sees their Kin as little more than slaves doesn’t want them to get any ideas about freedoms offered by other tribes. As most are denied the “big picture,” many Kinfolk have a very selective (and often slanted) view of their place in the world.

To make things even more interesting, some Kin have no idea of their heritage. As with lost werewolf cubs, more and more Kinfolk are being born to families who have no idea of their Garou connections. Unlike werewolves, Kinfolk go through no Rite of Passage; many grow old and die without ever knowing about their mystical inheritance. These lost Kinfolk are also a lost opportunity for the Garou to set down more roots. Without Kinfolk, werewolves lose a vital link to the worlds of humans and wolves.
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