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About Moonlit Airts - page 39 Umbra - the Valvet Shadow.
Nighttime in the Umbra, perhaps ironically, best illuminates many Garou quests. Luna shines a silver light on things that the eyes might otherwise miss, and though her ways are couched in enigmas, her mysterious gifts help werewolves persevere in a dangerous universe. By the light of the moon, aided by Lunes and spirit guides, packs travel deep into the Umbra beneath the watchful eye of Luna. It is comforting for werewolves to travel basking in the light of a great spirit patron, and the Lunes, unpredictable though they are, serve as allies in distant realms. In the End Times, every ally is a resource best treasured. Moonlit Airts come in two forms: Moon Bridges and Moon Paths.

About Moon Paths - page 39-40 Umbra - the Valvet Shadow.
In contrast to Bridges, Moon Paths are pathways of moonlight that cross the Umbra with few set origins. They might shift from moon phase to moon phase, or even from night to night. They exist only at night, appearing as paths of silver light flecked with starry dew crisscrossing the Umbral sky. Mist often surrounds them, making it difficult to see far past the Path’s edges, though the Path itself is clear.

Werewolves traveling upon Moon Paths often liken the experience to treading upon very soft and spongy ground, only without the moisture of soil or tickle of grass. Some werewolves, homids especially, find the feeling disconcerting, as though they are walking on clouds that will not bear their weight. A Moon Path will bear any weight upon it without stress, from the largest Crinos to even titanic Archid forms of the Mokolé — though the latter might have trouble fitting on the Path in the first place.

Moon Paths are by their nature less stable and predictable than Moon Bridges. They wend through the Umbra in shifting paths and rarely reach into the Aetherial Realm. Paths aren’t as heavily guarded, though Lunes do patrol them, but the Lunes themselves can pose a danger. They are capricious spirits and their moods change as do the phases of the moon itself. Werewolves have some idea of what to expect at each moon phase, but even then there is no guarantee when it comes to Lunes. Other spirits make use of Moon Paths as well, and not all of them are friendly to the Garou.


While traveling a Moon Path, packs sometimes let the werewolf whose auspice moon shines overhead take over as alpha. The auspice moon often dictates what form challenges along the path take. In these circumstances, the pack’s normal alpha might not be the best equipped to lead.

• No Moon: During the new moon, Moon Paths disappear or become nearly invisible. Using them is dangerous at this time because the Path itself might vanish beneath the traveler’s feet, and at best they are far more difficult to follow. The one benefit is that packs have less of a chance of encountering enemies along the Path, but they will be lucky to find their way to their destination and not come up short somewhere else. More than ever, travelers must rely on their own wits, senses and introspection to proceed.

• Crescent Moon: The Theurge’s moon fills Moon Paths with riddles and enigmas that challenge a pack’s wits and knowledge of spirit lore. Along the way stand various spirits, many of them Lunes, who will demand the solution to such puzzles or challenge packs to a battle of wits. The strength of one’s fury is of little help against these tests, where quick thinking and cunning prove far more valuable.

• Half-Moon: Perhaps the most dangerous time in which to travel a Moon Path is during the half-moon. During this time, spirits of the Triat vie for control over the Path. All seek to use it to reach their destinations or to deny their foes from using it. Sometimes spirits of other courts seek control of the Moon Path, forcing travelers to pay chiminage or perform some service for them in order to proceed. Cunning packs might turn these contesting forces against one another, or make a temporary alliance with one side.

• Gibbous Moon: During the gibbous moon, capricious spirits tend to occupy the Path. While they are not overly hostile, they do demand chiminage in the form of songs and tales, of lessons learned, deeds done, even interesting encounters (such as meeting other spirits along the Moon Path). Unsurprisingly, Cahalith are the favorites of these spirits.

• Full Moon: Hostile spirits brimming with the ire of the full moon travel the Moon Paths, looking for unwary travelers and easy prey. Lunes themselves become full of wrath at this time and difficult to interact with at length, for their Rage is nearly as potent as that of Gaia’s warriors. Sometimes the hostile spirits will drive travelers from the Moon Path; such unfortunate souls can land anywhere in the Umbra, depending on how far they walked the Path before falling.


Alla typer av månbroar kan enbart manifistera sig i Umbra i det strålande ljuset från månen. Ju mindre ljus som månen återger ju svagare blir bron och dess beskydd från de Luna andar som lever längs dem. Dess utseende beror på vilken månfas som lyser vid öppnadet där den vid en fullmåne ser ut som en massiv pelare av silvrigt ljus som kommer strålande från himlen och försvinner upp i intet, medan vid ingen måne så är den knappt synlig. För de som är i närheten är det en manifestation som är omöjlig att missa. När den väl har manifisterat sig så finns pelaren kvar tills den som åkallade den stänger bron igen varav pelaren upplöses på några sekunder.

Att färdas längs bron är inte riktigt som att färdas över en bro i den fysiska världen. Man springer inuti pelaren där man bara kan ana Umbra runt om en som existrera utanför den. Att försöka skada bron på något sätt kan mycket väl resultera i att den splittras och försvinner.

Även om en månbro i sig sträcker sig mellan två platser så rent fysiskt rör man sig inte mellan dem så som man normalt rör sig i Umbra. Istället för att flytta på sig så är det önskan att ta sig till den nya platsen som gör att man verkligen gör det, men just på denna aspekt skiljer de olika typerna av månbroar sig åt; När man färdas på en månbro mellan två Caerns så hjälper de två totemen åt att vägleda de resande, av denna anledning behöver man inte varit på platsen dit man kommer utan man kliver in på bron och sedan ser andarna till att du kommer rätt. En månstig däremot är värre, där måste de som skall färdas kunna visualisera var man skall hamna innan man stiger på. Det finns också berättelser om hur de som färdats på månstigar tappat sin koncentration om var de ska och då fått stigen att upplösas.


Det finns egentligen två typer av månbroar. En sann månbro som upprättas mellan två bestämda punkter i Umbra och en månstig som kan skapas mellan två punkter i Umbra spontant eller genom att någon skapar den.



Moon Bridges span the distance between two caerns, serving as both a way to maintain diplomatic relations between septs and quickly travel safely across great distances. At either end is a Pathstone, carefully maintained and fiercely guarded by the sept. If the Pathstones lose their magic, the Bridge vanishes and reclaiming it is incredibly difficult. Caerns that host Moon Bridges are some of the Garou Nation’s greatest resources and receive due accord.


Moon Bridges only appear when opened at both sides by both septs performing the Rite of the Opened Caern (W20, p.206) in unison — assuming the septs established the Bridge previously via the proper rite. Upon completion of the rite a luminescent tube emerges from the Pathstones and arcs through the Umbral sky. The Bridge itself is not solid but Garou may travel upon it like an actual bridge. It gives just a little beneath the feet, like it was made of a soft rubber, and yet puts little resistance back. It’s almost like stepping into gelatinous water, neither cold nor frozen. It is not wet, but shimmers and waves like water-reflected moonlight.


The very apex of a Moon Bridge passes through the Aetherial Realm, and is one of the safest places in all reality for a werewolf. Luna herself guards these holy paths and to date no enemy has been able to assail a traveling pack in the celestial reaches. Lunes watch over those buoyed by moonlight, but an avatar of the Celestine Luna oversees every Moon Bridge journey through the Aetherial Realm. Any tainted beings — or blasphemous acts like trying to destroy the Bridge itself — meet with the full wrath of one of the mightiest Celestines.



Moon Paths are by their nature less stable and predictable than Moon Bridges. They wend through the Umbra in shifting paths and rarely reach into the Aetherial Realm. Paths aren’t as heavily guarded, though Lunes do patrol them, but the Lunes themselves can pose a danger. They are capricious spirits and their moods change as do the phases of the moon itself. Werewolves have some idea of what to expect at each moon phase, but even then there is no guarantee when it comes to Lunes. Other spirits make use of Moon Paths as well, and not all of them are friendly to the Garou.

Metaphysical, Astral


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