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Background Cost: 6
Minotaur is the embodiment of the man that becomes the beast: the sentient being who craves animalistic power.
He respects strength and holds contempt for the weak, and thus has come to favor the Skin Dancers, who parlay a small strength into a much greater one. Although not a direct servant of the Wyrm, Minotaur bears a faint touch of Beast-of-War’s taint. He hates and envies Pegasus, particularly her high status among other Gaian spirits. He is misogynistic to some degree, although a strong female Skin Dancer can earn his respect in ways that a human female never could.

Traits: Minotaur places his children in contact with spirits that can teach them Gifts, and thus his children can learn most Gifts of Rank Three or lower (at out-of-tribe costs, of course). He also grants each of his children an extra dot of Stamina and an extra dot of Survival.

Ban: Minotaur demands that his children hurt and slay any of Pegasus’ children that they meet. They do not have to exact Minotaur’s vengeance immediately, but they can never let a Black Fury or other werewolf who follows Pegasus live in peace.


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