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The New Moon, The Trickster

The Ragabash is the mythic trickster, the fool who is alternately foolish and wise. He plays the role of the contrary, questioning tradition in order to find the wisest path. Although the New Moon may seem disrespectful, his wry humor and incisive insights are meant to serve the greater good of the Garou. The clever Ragabash  doesn’t question every decision — only those that need it. In the field, the New Moon is a cunning scout and unconventional tactician, leading the enemy into ambushes and striking at their soft underbellies when they least expect it. 

While other auspices have fairly set roles within their sept and tribe, the Ragabash is usually left to his own devises. He has the gift of flexibility: the opportunity to explore options usually off-limits to other Garou. His insights are sometimes unwelcome, but frequently worthy. When there’s tension in the air, the Ragabash is usually the one to lift it, even if it means putting himself at risk of violence at the hands of a humorless Ahroun. But the New Moon frequently risks it anyway — what sort of trickster would he be if he was afraid to do something unpopular?


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