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The Garou measure Renown in three separate areas: Glory, Honor, and Wisdom. Each one is somewhat selfexplanatory. Glory represents a character’s physical deeds, including feats of strength, stamina, and agility, such as those that made Hercules a legend. It also measures bravery, a willingness to take extreme risks (at least, extreme risks that pay off) and victory in battle. Honor measures a Garou’s sense of duty and history. It speaks of the character’s ethics and morals, as well as his personal sense of pride. Finally, Wisdom celebrates the more mental virtues of a character, including strategy, cunning and insight. Patience and a strong connection to the spirit world also help a Garou increase his Wisdom.  


Many Garou earn Glory through defeating mighty enemies and succeeding at dangerous quests. A werewolf can earn Glory by fighting on through overwhelming odds in order to triumph, but Glory is not the Renown of a mere brawler. A werewolf must have a reason and a cause to fight for, and though the odds are against her, she must never surrender —regardless of the cost. Many young Garou have their Glory stripped from them for leaping into fights that they cannot hope to win; Glory only trucks with stupidity when a character actually succeeds at the impossible. That said, a grand death in service to a noble ideal may give the deceased a large share of the Glory they so desired in life — if anyone ever hears about it.  

Glory Creed

I shall be valorous
I shall be dependable
I shall be generous
I shall protect the weak
I shall slay the Wyrm  


Garou earn Honor by following their moral imperative to uphold the laws of the Garou. It refers to a fundamental belief in the wisdom of their society’s laws, which all derive from the ultimate standard of Garou behavior: the Litany. To gain Honor Renown among Garou society shows an individual to be of honesty, integrity, and respect. Honor can be a rare trait, but werewolves who have it strive to maintain their honor with ferocity for fear of losing it.
Werewolves hold themselves to the highest possible standards in the name of Honor. That’s not to say that they feel superior to others — a Garou who looks down his nose at his compatriots isn’t exactly behaving honorably towards them. Those who tolerate a braggart will soon surpass him. Instead, a werewolf holds himself to high standards in the sometimes vain hope of staving off pride.
Honor, after all, is all about self-control. Not just the self-control that comes with upholding strict principles when easier alternatives abound, but the iron will to avoid falling into frenzy. When berserk, a Garou is capable of all manner of evil acts. More than a few newly-Changed Garou have awakened after a frenzy to find themselves soaked in blood and bereft of honor.  

Code of Honor

I shall be respectful
I shall be loyal
I shall be just
I shall live by my word
I shall accept all fair challenges  


High Wisdom Renown is the mark of a character who thinks through her words and actions before sharing them, and is adept at sensing when others have not done the same. As such, werewolves with a reputation for Wisdom are likely to find others listening and deferring to them at moots.
The deeds of a wise werewolf rarely align with those of a glorious one. Glory-seekers charge into battle whenever they see a goal worth chasing, while those who quest for Wisdom pick their fights carefully, to ensure they have the greatest chance of victory. Both werewolves have their uses to a pack, but those who do not succeed on their quest for Wisdom are more likely to survive to try again. Those werewolves who are both wise and valorous know both when to fight and how to win. It’s a fine balance to strike, but those who manage it are valuable allies to all Garou.  

Creed of Wisdom

I shall be calm
I shall be prudent
I shall be merciful
I shall think before I act and listen before I think


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