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Septs are the societies that form around caerns, usually for the purpose of defending these sacred sites. The oldest septs are dominated by one or two tribes, usually not far from their tribal homelands. These days, most septs are increasingly multi-tribal. Only with the strength of diversity can the Garou hope to overcome the peril of their dwindling numbers.   The primary task of a sept is guarding its caern. Through powerful mystic rites, a sept can help heroes travel great distances to aid them. Drawing upon Luna’s power,  mystics form powerful moon bridges between the largest caerns. Because of this ability, septs are also gathering places for travelers. The elders of a sept may welcome a wandering pack, allowing them a place to rest and perhaps granting some resources for their errand. This honor usually demands that the visitors pay some form of chiminage in return. This payment may be a simple as reciting a story of their journey, as esoteric as bringing back something valuable from the nearby spirit world, or as onerous as performing a brief task for the sept’s benefit.    Older Garou settle down eventually into one sept that they particularly favor, usually assuming a political position there. An old wolf grows fond of his den, and eventually plans to die there. For this reason, elders commonly offer younger Garou the chance to perform missions on behalf of their sept as a dangerous but clear path to honor and glory.

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