BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Rage 2 (damage)
Willpower 10 (attack)
Gnosis 8
Essence 20/20

• Willpower: Willpower covers many “physical” actions — striking an enemy, flying through the Umbra, or clambering through the webs that hold the Umbra of cities in bondage. Spirits use Willpower for any action that would normally use the Dexterity or Stamina Attributes.

• Rage: A spirit’s Rage covers actions that need power rather than finesse — holding an opponent in a clinch, breaking through doors and weak walls, and harming opponents. Spirits use Rage for actions that would otherwise involve the Strength Attribute.

• Gnosis: Gnosis allows a spirit to perceive the world around it, communicate with other spirits, and think quickly in strange situations. Spirits use Gnosis for actions that would otherwise involve the Social or Mental Attributes, and for many Charms.

• Essence: A spirit’s Essence usually equals the sum of its Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower, though the Storyteller should adjust it up or down for particularly hearty or frail spirits. Essence represents the spirit’s Health, and its energy reserves for powering Charms.

Background Cost: 5 (+10)   Owl watches silently in the darkness, learning all that he can. Like the Silent Striders who claim him as their totem, Owl holds hidden wisdom, especially about death and the mysteries of the Dark Umbra.       Individual Traits: Owl’s children gain wings when in the Umbra, allowing them to fly from place to place. They also subtract two from difficulties involving stealth or silence, and gain two points of Wisdom Renown.       Pack Traits: Owl’s packs often receive premonitions and prophetic dreams that draw them to mystic places long forgotten. The pack gains three dice that apply to any Gift that involves air, travel, movement, or darkness. Silent Striders may appear to aid the pack when it is in danger, but packs that follow Rat (and Ratkin) are not well disposed towards Owl’s Garou.       Ban: Owl’s children must leave small rodents tied and helpless in the woods for him and his kind.           Per three points to spend on Willpower, Rage, or Gnosis (+3 gnosis, +3 willpower)   Totem can speak to the pack without the benefit of the Gift: Spirit Speech.   Totem can always find the pack members.   Totem is nearly always with the pack members.   Totem is connected mystically to all pack members, allowing communication among them even at great distances. All hears everything.   +Materialize 4p   +Open Moon Bridge 4p   +Peek 4p   +6 (+2 gnosis, +3 willpower, +1 rage) 4p       Cost Power   1 Per three points to spend on Willpower, Rage, or Gnosis   2 Totem is respected by other spirits.   2 Per charm possessed   3 Per extra pack member who can use the totem’s powers in the same turn   5 Totem is feared by agents of the Wyrm. Either minions of the Wyrm flee from the pack, or they do their best to kill the pack.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Airt Sense - The spirit has a natural sense of the “airts” (directions) of the spirit world, and can travel about without much difficulty. The spirit can create or find spirit tracks at will. The Storyteller rolls the spirit’s Gnosis if it has to locate a particular place or individual in the Umbra. Even spirits aren’t infallible, and a botch can lead them to an unforgiving Realm.

Re-Form - The spirit can dissolve its body in order to travel through the Umbra to their home Domains. It takes a spirit a full turn to try to re-form. The Storyteller must roll the spirit’s Gnosis successfully for this Charm to succeed. Spirits use this Charm to flee their enemies.

Materialize - The spirit takes physical form on Earth. The spirit’s Gnosis must be equal to or greater than the area’s Gauntlet rating. The spirit appears the same in the material world as it does in the Umbra. The spirit uses its Traits in the same way as it would in the Umbra, rather than having Attributes and Abilities. Materialized spirits do possess health levels like other corporeal beings. If a spirit dies in the material world, it returns to the Umbra and enters Slumber, just as if the spirit had lost all of its Essence in the Umbra. Most spirits won’t use this Charm except in extraordinary circumstances; the modern world is far from welcoming to their kind.

Peek - The spirit can look into the physical world from the Penumbra.

Open Moon Bridge - The spirit can open a moon bridge to a desired location. This charm can operate anywhere, and does not need a caern present. The moon bridge has a total potential distance of 1000 miles (1600 km).
Divine Classification
Lysande blå
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Skimrande fjädrar i färger från grå, blå och lila
Aligned Organization


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