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Background Cost: 7

The Uktena is an ancient water spirit that blends the features of cougar, serpent, and deer. He is the spirit of riverbeds and dark places, and he knows secrets that even other totems of wisdom have not discovered.

Individual Traits: Followers of Uktena add three dice to all soak rolls when in the Umbra, and gains two extra experience points per story that can only be applied to improving Enigmas, Occult, Rituals, Gifts, or other mystical knowledge. Garou also gain two points of Wisdom Renown. Uktena’s children add one to the difficulties of social rolls when interacting with werewolves of tribes other than Uktena or Wendigo.

Pack Traits: Garou of the Uktena tribe treat the pack like brothers.

Ban: Uktena asks that its Children recover mystical lore, objects, places and animals from the minions of the Wyrm.


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