Cirrus Cumulus

Cirrus Cumulus

An extravagant air genasi with a flair of style and love for swords. Cirrus is a collage of swords bard with a breezy twist. A faint but constant breeze accompanies him, tousling the hair and stirring his clothing.

Current Location
The High City
View Character Profile
Chaotic Fabulous
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft Blue
40lbs?, an air boy

Cirrus's Outfitting
Bitch Ass

1. Where were they born? Haradashi 2. Who are their parents? Agatha and Keith Cumulus. Two retired adventurers who tour guides. They settled down after discovering they were pregnant, but did go on adventures and got swept up in a dust devil before they realized they have Cirrus in the belly. 3. Are they Alive / What happened to them? They are still alive and living a modest lifestyle. Cirrus sends them a message once in a while, let's say once a month. He loves his parents but he is a big boy now. 4. Describe your childhood home. Cirrus’ parents were loving and home was good. Had troubles fitting in being an air boy but learnt to like the attention. His home was in a neighborhood not too far from his parent’s work where they worked as tour guides. A modest adobe home with two neat bedrooms and a comfortable living space. An adobe style home. 5. What was your character doing before they joined the party/Project Paragon. Traveling showman. Sword juggling, throwing, and swallowing. 6. Why did they leave it? He never fully leaves it and always has a side hustle. He was tempted by more dangerous adventures and the gold he could earn. 7. What and who did they leave behind? By fully joining QuickSilver, he lost some of his freedom for wandering around and performing in exchange for gold and excitement. 8. If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change? Changed how he behaved in first attempt at a romantic relationship because he still has feelings for him. 9. What is something that makes them feel a strong positive emotion? Lots of attention, good or bad. 10. What is something that makes them feel a strong negative emotion? Being ignored or underestimated. Being toyed or played with. Insults to his appearance. Being lied to. 11. What is an emotional thing they are good at? Distracting people from their problems 12. What is a physical thing they are good at? Sword-related performances. Floating around. 13. What do you often dream of? Riches and bitches. 14. What do you like most about yourself? Good at his craft, worked hard to make a name for himself, being hot af. 15. What do you like least about yourself? He wants to be more pretty 16. Where do you feel safe? In front of a captivated crowd or chillin with whomever he is currently traveling with at a bar. 17. List 1 Major goal for your character. Gain enough riches so he can open his own grand theater with a dining hall, extravagant bar, and elegant decor. Somewhere he can be the big cheese and put on the absolute biggest performances. A place for him to hire other entertainment, drink, live, settle down, and feel safe. 18. List 2 Big goals for your character. He doesn’t admit it to himself, but his romantic ass would love to fall in love again, with someone he could grow old with and cute shit. Be a famous performer and overall world renowned legend. 19. List 2 Small goals for your character. Go on adventures to get killer stories to impress people. Collect awesome swords. 1. Are you a morning person or more of a night owl? Night is where the parties are at. 2. What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them? Smash or pass? 3. You see a huge spider in your room. What do you do? Throw a knife at that gross thing 4. Tell me about your first kiss. Hot, heavy, and messy with best friend/first love. 5. Do you give people second chances? If they make it worth his wild 6. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Meh. Animals are dirty 7. Do you think you’re attractive? Fuck yeah 8. What’s your worst habit? Being too fucking hot (arrogance) and probably addicted to some suude. 9. When was the last time you cried? Right before he left home. 10. Are you a good liar? Yup 11. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Assholes and hecklers 12. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes. 13. What’s something you’re naturally good at? Getting attention 14. What’s something you had to work hard to be good at? Sword performing. 15. Can you tell when someone is flirting with you? Everyone wants a piece of this, he thinks most people are flirting even if they are not. 16. Do you think money can buy happiness? It gets you 90% there 17. Do you believe in destiny? Nah 18. Are you a good cook? Nah 19. What do you think happens after you die? Probably not much. Gotta live in the moment 20. Did you have to grow up fast? Not really. Cirrus was a happy, spoiled shit. 21. Who do you look up to? Sword performer mentor, parents. 22. When you go to a tavern, what do you order? Whatever will get me fucked up. And maybe something a little fruity.0 23. Do you want kids someday? Nah 24. Are you a planner, or more spontaneous? Spontaneous bb 25. Can you keep a secret? Sure thing (winky face) 26. Do you like being the center of attention? Hell yeah 27. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? Go full hog wild, fuck every guy in the city and get fucked up, then put on the performance of a life time 28. Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion? Yes. He goes very extra for any occasion and sometimes dresses up for the hell of it 29. Do you love or hate being alone? Hate 30. What’s the last nightmare you remember having? Trauma shit 31. Do you admit to mistakes when you make them? Nah 32. Do you want to grow up to be like your parents? Not really, but they are not half bad. He is envious of their relationship 33. What did your parents expect from you when you were born? To be a good boy and to try adventuring 34. Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn? Inn but when you are on the road, gotta do what you gotta do 35. Is there a food that most people like that you absolutely hate? Greasy shit 36. Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist? Minimalist. Can't have much on the road. Although, he does enjoy shiny things like gold, gems, and good outfits 37. Are you superstitious? Nah 38. Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pets’ names and stuff? Nah 39. What do you do to feel better when you’re sad? Get fucked up probably. Throw knives at shit 40. Is it hard for you to trust someone? Ye 41. If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take? Preforming, duh 42. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Awesome   Question 1 - What is your Character's Name? Cirrus Cumulus Question 2 - Give a general description of your character. He has pale blue skin, aquamarine eyes, and white thick hair. A faint but constant breeze accompanies them, tousling the hair and stirring his clothing. He holds himself well, walks with confidence, and dresses like a flamboyant noble. Question 3 - A quirk the character would exhibit, noticed by members of the party having worked together before. He plays with his ability to control wind when he is bored. Like hovering a knife above his hands, floating a little, tossing his hair with the wind. Question 4 - Backstory Connections Parents Childhood best friend/crush Sword performer mentor Circus/traveling showmen crew


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