
A few of the original humans rebelled against the early teachings of the gods and withdrew underground. They quickly grew into some unfavourable behaviours like using poisons, and cannibalism.


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

The draeva were hidden underground for a long period, where they developed into cannibalistic blood magic slavers. The legend is that the gods caught on to their ill-doings and wiped them out, but their magic blood tombs created by Lovanti Khadgar posthemously brought their civilization back from the dead some centuries later when a curious mage died with the book on his person, drenching it in blood. The civilization now is scarse and hidden as they attempt to locate their tomb to return themselves to their former glory.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Cannibalism, poison, and training spiders are common practice amoung the Draeva

Birth & Baptismal Rites

All Draeva are born through blood magic. When two optimal breeding partners choose to create a new Draeva they must begin a ritual by creating a magic circle of salt around both of them. They then must bleed at least half of their living blood into the salt circle where it mixes. Over6 hours the blood will coagulate into a small mound at the center of the salt pile, and at the end of the 6 hours the blood will be hard like an eggshell, and can be cracked open to reveal the new child within.

Common Myths and Legends

The Draeva believe their society was wiped out by the gods, but beforehand one of their Grand Magi, Lovanti Khadgar created a magic tomb with the history of the Draeva written in blood within. The legend goes that if the tomb comes into contact with blood, their history is entended and reality warps and bends to the will of what has been written. Any creature not protected by divination and enchantment magic will have their memory altered to fit the new reality.

Historical figures

Lovanti Khadgar - Grand Magi Crimson King - Blood Demon worshiped by the Draeva


Gender Ideals

All draeva are sexless, and reproduce via blood magicks.