
Greenforthe is a town located in the temperate forest, where the vegetation is lush. Greenforthe grew around a river that runs through the forest, and is comprised of many different races, with the most common race being Tiefling.   The nearest landmark is a group of islands with a mountain range in them. From the distance the peaks resemble a dragon’s claw emerging from the sea.


Race Population
Aasimar 0
Calidikin 254
Construct 113
Dragonkin 115
Dwarf <100
Elven 297
Fey 382
Frigidikin <100
Genasi <100
Gith 946
Goblin 355
Goliath 221
Human 2458
Orcish 745
Tiefling 1348
Other ~200


Greenforthe is a syndicalist oligarchic absolute monarchy. The The Burned King is said to have been dead for many years, and haunts the city. The main judicial power comes from the The Masked Lords of Greenforthe, consisting of The Black Lord, the White Lord, The Yellow Lord, and the Red Lord.

Industry & Trade

Trade is fully deregulated within Greenforthe, you can sell anything at all.


The city is built along the shallow river that runs through the north end of Insidia. Most of the construction is done in marble and stone.


The city is said to have appeared out of thin air, and many believe it is from another plane all together. The rulers, The Burned King and The Masked Lords of Greenforthe are all strange enigmatic entities that are very rarely ever seen outside the grounds of the castle.   When the city began to grow in size, the citizens at one point grew upset with the king, partially as a rumored political plot by the Masked Lords and partially due to his apparent distain for the people of Greenforthe. A riot took place outside the castle and the castle was overran by the denizens and the people took the King to the town centre and burnt him alive. It's said that everyone who witnessed the charred corpse of the king saw a twisted grotesque face beneath his charred skin, and that they hated it so much they threw his burnt remains in the river as soon as possible. For seven days following Ravens amassed on the bridge over where his body was throw and would circle the water, cawing at the quietly flowing river. On the seventh day they scattered and regrouped at the castle. Rumour says that the castle walls were barely visible under the mass of ravens perched all across it. The Masked Lords, who had taken the seat of power within the city, reported on that day that the King had returned, and that he was in the seat of power once again.   The king has never made a public appearance since, but some folk say they see a man in a raven's mask with charred skin wandering around the city at night, and nearby homes report nightmares of witnessing the same such creature.


The city has a decent amount of tourism, mostly due to the free trade and unregulated laws regarding magic and substances. Twice a year there is a carnival that brings hordes of people into the city that is well known for it's debachaury and rare drugs and magics that can be found during.


The city is made mostly of stone and marble, its incredibly dense and built on top of itself. It utilizes plenty of stairs and bridges to interconnect the stonework buildings.


The city is built across a wide river the bisects the city. The city is moderately level and has several bridges that connect the city together.


  • Greenforthe
Large city
Owning Organization