Ma'ab, The Dark Wood

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ma'ab is a massive tree of dark wood. Very few have ever lived to see it, let alone are willing to discuss it.   It is said to be a massive dark wood tree with chrimson sap constantly seeping out from under it's bark. A dull red bioluminescencent fungas forms where the sap reaches the ground. The main trunk of the tree begins some hundred feet off the ground, and the root structure forms a dome over a massive pit.   All who have survived an encounter with Ma'ab and the Children of the Night have said they heard screams of agony from beneath the tree, as well as from the bodies hung from it's branches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ma'ab is the 'leader' of the Children of the Night. Because the Children have been wiped out, its not entirely understood how the tree was a leader as very few Fey are willing to talk about it, or even know about it to begin with.
Current Status
Date of Death
11th of Gricel, 54BS
Place of Death
Appears in...