Razaldin (Raz Ahl Deen)

Divine Domains



Casters who worship Razaldin often incorporate ribbons into their accoutrements as his true form is often carrying incredibly long ribbons.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An arcane sigil made of ribbon

Tenets of Faith

The blindness of mortals is the origin of all folly. Search for the truth in all things great and small and conceal nothing. Speak only the truth, for lies and misdirection, even for benign motives, are the root of all sorrow. Be not paralyzed by indecision, but take no action without analyzing the implications. Hasty actions and decisions are rarely more beneficial than well thought out strategies that are revised as necessary. Mortals who employ only their two common eyes are essentially blind. Arcana provides the third blessed eye, allowing both foresight and hindsight, so that mortals can access to omniscience of the gods. It is not wrong to use the knowledge that Razaldin gives to help yourself and your church, but caution should be used in furthering the goals of others as part of their agenda may be hidden. Seek for the hidden motive before you act, and damage not the whole of the realm in which you live out your mortal life.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Punish the dragons for killing his brothers and sisters.

Physical Description

Facial Features

No eyes or facial features.

Apparel & Accessories

Long infinitely spanning ribbons between his fingers. A floating disk behind his head traced in arcane sigils.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When mortal men were first roaming the planet, Razaldin pittied them in their weakness and granted them magic in exchange for worship. Soon they learned how to cast magic without him by studying the chaos in the world around them and harnessing it. However most mages still respect Razaldin as the first magus.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Date of Death
15th of Shkull, 310AS
Aligned Organization