Safiyya Farrugia

Safiyya Farrugia

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1. Where were they born? The Towers of Glass, or at least that’s where her lineage is supposed to trace back to, she was born in the Haradashi region. 2. Who are their parents? Karmni and Anastasju Farrugia. Wealthy traders who run a successful network of caravans across Korovuri. 3. Are they Alive / What happened to them. They’re still around, living as wealthy merchants in Haradashi dealing in spices and other goods. They aren’t very fond of their degenerate daughter, limiting their contact to a regular cheque. 4. Describe your childhood home. Glass. Well not really, Safiyya grew up in a large, well-built home. Columns, open halls leading to a walled courtyard, gardens, and natural lighting describe the architecture. Rugs, bronze tea pots, and copper decorations surround low-lying tables inside. 5. What was your character doing before they joined the party/Project Paragon. The Sandshroud Library held Safiyya as a prisoner after they discovered her in a stasis in the Haradachi expanse. She was speaking in tongues they had spent ages studying. The Sandshrouds sent Safiyya to the Quicksilver Foundation as a sort of trade, if she returns with useful information, she can have her freedom. 6. Why did they leave it? That’s the neat part, they haven’t. 7. What and who did they leave behind? Safiyya left behind a few acquaintances and her estranged family in Haradachi. She also left behind a powerful arcane group that is expecting her return. Her absence is surely noticed in the upscale clubs and popular haunts. 8. If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change? I wouldn’t have gone into the desert on that day. I haven’t felt exactly the same since, but I couldn’t tell you exactly why. Normally I’d return very serene and enlightened, but since that time it’s like there’s an itch in my subconscious that I can’t scratch. 9. What is something that makes them feel a strong positive emotion? Safiyya loves feeling in control, she’s ecstatic when she feels like she’s successfully pulled the wool over someone’s eyes and is getting exactly what she wants out of a relationship. 10. What is something that makes them feel a strong negative emotion? Safiyya doesn’t like being belittled, she doesn’t like actual pressure being applied to her, she prefers feeling important without actually doing anything. 11. What is an emotional thing they are good at? She’s good at picking up on little fears that other people have, and exploiting those fears to get the outcome she prefers. Someone mentioned a physical insecurity, or their emotional baggage? She’ll carry that baggage for them for now. 12. What is a physical thing they are good at? Safiyya is good at handling mind altering substances and experiences, she has done many drugs, and hears many voices. 13. What do you often dream of. Nothing, she doesn’t dream. We don’t like dreams anymore. 14. What do you like most about yourself? I love how great I am, I’m healthy, wealthy, and cute. 15. What do you like least about yourself? I guess I could be more powerful? I’m not sure I understand the question, are there things people don’t like about themselves? 16. Where do you feel safe? At crowded festivals and busy markets, there’s always someone to take advantage of, always someone to entertain and captivate. Always someone to lean on if things take a turn for the worst. 17. List 1 Major goal for your character. Return to the Sandshrouds with information, while still alive, and use the leverage of that information to finally be left alone. 18. List 2 Big goals for your character. Find out what’s causing my brainworms, and see if I can control it. Gain the trust of my colleagues. We’ve done some simple tasks for the foundation, but it feels like we’ve only built a working relationship, not one where they’d perish for me. 19. List 2 Small goals for your character. Meet some acquaintances along the way, people I can reach out to once I’m finished with this whole fiasco. I’ve always wanted to travel the world. Learn to decipher the whisperings a little better. If I want to control the voices in my head, I’ve got to be able to hear them above the noise that accompanies them. 1. Are you a morning person or more of a night owl? I’m a night owl, in a different world you’d easily find me drinking and partaking late into the night in different clubs and taverns. 2. What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them? How do they react to me physically? Are they shy? Are they quiet? Do they have a dominating personality? 3. You see a huge spider in your room. What do you do? I pick the spider up and blow it kisses. He’s so cute, we can put him somewhere safe. We’re all interconnected in a way, you know? 4. Tell me about your first kiss. It was with a wealthy, quiet, shy boy. I liked bringing him around my group of friends, he’d get so uncomfortable when I’d crawl all over him. He was … fine at kissing. I mostly just remember his protests. 5. Do you give people second chances? Yeah, if there’s a benefit to me, grudges only go so far as, it really boils down to “What is the likelihood this person wants to kill me?” 6. Are you a cat person or a dog person? There aren’t many cats in the desert, I love them, but I love snakes and lizards even more, so beautiful, so cute. So much like me. 7. Do you think you’re attractive? I’m deadly gorgeous. 8. What’s your worst habit? I don’t have motivation to do very much, there’s just so much work to do and so little time to chase life’s great passions. 9. When was the last time you cried? When I was brought before the leaders of the Library, I thought for sure that it would be the end of me. I don’t know what they think they can glean from me, but it’s not like I’m holding anything back from them. 10. Are you a good liar? I think lying is a harsh word, everyone likes to hear what they like to hear, and what’s wrong to you is a welcome part of someone else’s culture. 11. What’s your biggest pet peeve? When people that were once poor, continue to do poor people things. I get it you ‘didn’t have enough food growing up’, you don’t need to still literally lick the plate clean, you have a job now. It’s fine. 12. Have you ever had your heart broken? I break hearts, I don’t get my heart broken. No one I’ve ever dated has seemed like they should have that kind of power over me. My parents have always been very formal and distant, so it’s not like I knew their love from a young age. 13. What’s something you’re naturally good at? Charming others, putting them at ease, or conversely, putting them on edge. 14. What’s something you had to work hard to be good at? Living in sub-par conditions. Gay baby jail is not a place where people like me thrive, a cave full of slime? A jail cell with a hay-filled bed? Not my preferred state of being. 15. Can you tell when someone is flirting with you? Everyone always is, and if they’re cute, I’ll take them to my bed. 16. Do you think money can buy happiness? It can buy time and substances, which enable the pursuit of happiness. 17. Do you believe in destiny? Apparently. I am destined for greatness, the voices tell me so, they also tell me some horrific things sometimes but that really isn’t for other people to hear, I think that might just be self-doubt, … which shouldn’t exist in my body. 18. Are you a good cook? I’m terrible at cooking meals, I’m wonderful at making drinks and serving the meals that others have prepared though, a little flourish during presentation goes a long way. 19. What do you think happens after you die? If my voices are anything to go off of, for others … a nightmarish vortex of suffering in the name of service to those that are touched. For me? Hopefully being served by others suffering in a nightmarish vortex? It’s the least they could do for me considering they’re inside of my skin and inside of my brain. 20. Did you have to grow up fast? Nope. I grew up at an enjoyable pace, it was more so the past few years that were difficult, being imprisoned, interrogated, studied, cold, hungry, dark, hard floors, that was an awful experience, but as a youthful little vixen? Incredible. 21. Who do you look up to? The great author Divinor Berustrom. He lived among many different cultures, experiencing life through the eyes of many. He wrote emotional depictions of the world according to those cultures, and universalized feelings that we all have. 22. When you go to a tavern, what do you order? Drugs. Liqueurs. Fine food. If there’s gaming and entertaining going on, I’m taking part in it. 23. Do you want kids someday? Maybe in my golden years, I’ve got too many passions to pursue at the moment. 24. Are you a planner, or more spontaneous? Planning is such a bore, but I’m thinking I might have to plan more often if I’m going to be a member of Quicksilver. 25. Can you keep a secret? Sureeeeee, secrets are a girl’s best friend, and I would never betray the trust of an organization or partner as important to my survival as these. 26. Do you like being the center of attention? I love being the center of attention, when others look up to you, they’re easier to manipulate. When others hang on to your every word, you can plant little ideas in their heads. 27. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? I’d have a long, frantic conversation with the voices. I need to make sure I’m getting into a preferable form of afterlife. 28. Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion? I love getting dressed up, in fancy clothes from all cultures, in fact I usually wear fine clothing in my everyday life. 29. Do you love or hate being alone? I like being alone in terms of other people, but I like having nature and animals around me. I’m never really alone anymore though, my thoughts are so frantic now, it’s like I’ve got another me to keep me company. 30. What’s the last nightmare you remember having? The door was left open. In my darkened home, I saw it. The way you’re sure you locked your door before leaving the room and return to find it unlocked. Is there something else in my home with me now? What came in? I’VE LOOKED IN EVERY ROOM! … We don’t have nightmares anymore if we can help it. 31. Do you admit to mistakes when you make them? I don’t make mistakes really, maybe consequences occur as a result of my actions, but that doesn’t mean they’re my mistakes perse, that’s just the natural state of being, equal and opposite reactions and all that. God tells me what to do. 32. Do you want to grow up to be like your parents? Not particularly, they’re too busy and business oriented, trying to offer a better life to who? Certainly not me, certainly not themselves at this rate. I’m more refined than they are. You can take the poor out of the desert, but you can’t take the desert out of the poor I suppose. 33. What did your parents expect from you when you were born? I have no idea, maybe … not being around? Perhaps they wanted me to be born as a fully-formed young adult, eager to follow in their bland foot-steps. 34. Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn? I’d rather stay at the inn, party all night, and turn in after the sun rose. 35. Is there a food that most people like that you absolutely hate? Most commoner’s meals are just not to my standard, I don’t hate very much, but I’d rather eat haute cuisine. 36. Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist? I love curios and knick-knacks, but I don’t have a great space for everything right now. I haven’t seen my home in Haradashi in quite some time, so I’m not sure if everything is even still there. 37. Are you superstitious? I can’t be superstitious, I’m pretty sure God themself is looking out for me, who else could the whispers be? I’m hand picked by God, it’ll work out fine. 38. Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pets’ names and stuff? I do, but not out of a kindness to those people, rather it makes them feel important, plus if I don’t remember I can always try to pull that information out of their mind I suppose. 39. What do you do to feel better when you’re sad? Suede, it feels like I’m bigger than life itself when I smoke some, that and Dragon’s Reach, although it makes me feel a little crazier than usual. 40. Is it hard for you to trust someone? Yes, but more so because relationships are transactional in nature, I want things from others and surely, they’d want things from me, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work together out of mutual benefit. 41. If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take? I don’t really need to work, but I’d write poetry and perform for others, maybe I could manipulate my way into politics or something but that seems like it could be a lot of work if it wasn’t an honorary title. 42. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be fulfilled. Nothing seems to be able to satiate the gnawing hunger of a cold family, or a life lived without purpose.

Safiyya Farrugia, born 319 PS, daughter of a merchant family in Haradashi. Currently employed by the Quicksilver Foundation.

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