The Mother God

The first god, the first creature, the primordial being that created all other beings.
Before it all; time, space, us, them, pain, love, loss. There was just noise. Static creating chaos in a void of nothingness. It was like that for longer than time ever could fathom, until slowly a singing harmony began to form within this cacophany of sound. This is The Mother God
-Jariya Stormvault, First Prophet of The Mother God

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A planet with rings around it.


Diesdei, celebrated on the first day of the new year.

Divine Goals & Aspirations


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

True Form

The true form, and true name of The Mother God are unknown. On the rare occasions she does appear on the material, whoever perceives her sees he as whatever comforts them most. Those who attempt to hear her speak her true name are unable to understand it and become Aasimar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known of The Mother God. They have only had one true prophet, Jariya Stormvault. They told him the origins of the cosmos in hope it would help end The Culling . Their hope was that in knowing they were all born from the same elements they would stop the killing.
The Mother god with her first two children,
Envactex (Left) and Orandi (Right)
Divine Classification
Current Status
Aligned Organization
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