The Towers of Glass

The Glass Towers, a surreal city rising from the transformed sands of the once-tropical desert on the continent of Desco. The city stands as a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of its inhabitants, born from the ashes of a unique and perilous encounter.


The government of The Glass Towers is an enigmatic and otherworldly entity known as the Dream Council. Comprising six individuals, each selected a replacement to ensure the continuity of governance, the Dream Council orchestrates the city's destiny from within a perpetual magical coma. Here is an insight into the mystical governance of this glass-clad realm:  

Selection and Replacement

The original six members of the Dream Council are chosen through a combination of magical aptitude, wisdom, and a deep connection to the city's essence. Each member selects a successor, known as the Dream Heir, ensuring a seamless transition of authority.

The Holy Chamber

The Dream Council resides in a sacred and heavily guarded chamber within one of the glass towers. This chamber is designed to amplify magical energies and create an environment conducive to mystical communion. Here, the council remains in a perpetual state of coma, seemingly detached from the physical realm.

Communion with Magic Drugs

While in their comatose state, the Dream Council is kept perpetually high on potent magical drugs. These substances induce a trance-like state, elevating the council's consciousness to a plane where they can commune with each other and tap into the collective unconscious of the city.

Prophetic Dreams and Communal Thoughts

Within the shared dreamscape, the Dream Council engages in profound discussions and prophetic visions. Their collective thoughts and memories intertwine, forming a cacophony of ideas, desires, and glimpses into the city's potential futures. It is in this ethereal realm that decisions are made.

The Scribes

Two scribes, chosen for their mental acuity and attunement to magical energies, play a crucial role in translating the chaotic thoughts of the Dream Council into coherent directives. Stationed outside the Holy Chamber, these scribes use their unique abilities to read the minds of the council and transcribe the consensus onto paper.

6. Consensus Rule

The scribes compare their transcriptions, searching for a convergence of ideas within the tumultuous sea of thoughts from the Dream Council. When both scribes independently extract the same message or directive, it is considered the will of the Dream Council and thus becomes a new law or action for the city.


The city's pathways are made of a special luminescent material embedded within the glass, creating a mesmerizing network of glowing trails that come to life after sundown. The pathways weave through the city like threads of a surreal spider's web, leading residents and visitors alike to various districts and attractions.   Flowing within the glass towers are ethereal floating gardens. These gardens are filled with exotic plants and vibrant flowers, creating pockets of greenery amidst the crystalline structures. The gardens serve as a sanctuary for both residents and the myriad of butterflies that were once native to the tropical desert, as well as aqueducts that keep running, purified water running throughout the city.


Though most of the history is lost; in the annals of Desco's history, The Glass Towers emerged from a crucible of challenges and innovation, transforming what was once a tropical desert into a city of mesmerizing crystalline and sandstone structures. The narrative unfolds with the discovery of a formidable insectoid, swift in evolution and seemingly invincible in combat. Recognizing the menace it posed, the Quicksilver Foundation, a global superpower, deployed a colossal dragon to unleash weeks of unrelenting fire upon the desert landscape. The result was the conversion of the sandy terrain into a unique expanse of glass, setting the stage for the birth of The Glass Towers.

Points of interest

The Luminous Caves

A network of underground caves with walls embedded with luminescent minerals. The caves are accessible through guided tours and are known for their surreal beauty. The glow emanating from the walls creates an otherworldly atmosphere, making it a popular destination for adventurers and curious travelers.  

The Glasswing Sanctuary

A protected area dedicated to preserving the indigenous butterfly species that once thrived in the tropical desert. The sanctuary features expansive gardens filled with nectar-rich flowers, providing a habitat for butterflies to flourish. It serves as a reminder of the region's natural history.  

The Twilight Observatory

Perched on a high plateau, the Twilight Observatory offers panoramic views of The Glass Towers and the surrounding landscape. It is a popular spot for stargazers and astronomers, providing clear views of the night sky away from the city lights.  

The Phoenix Canyon

A deep canyon with walls that exhibit a spectrum of colors during sunset. The canyon earned its name due to the fiery hues reflected off the glass walls, resembling the wings of a mythical phoenix. Hiking trails wind through the canyon, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.


The Whispers of the Glass Oracle

A mystical figure known as the Glass Oracle resides within the city, claiming to commune with the essence of the transformed desert. It is said that the oracle can interpret the subtle whispers carried by the wind through the glass structures, offering cryptic insights and guidance to those who seek its counsel.  

The Ghost Serpent Phenomenon

Occasionally, during certain celestial alignments, a ghostly image of a serpent appears within the glass structures. Locals attribute this phenomenon to the fusion of the dragon's magic with the serpent motifs carved into the glass during the city's construction. It's considered a mystical occurrence, inspiring awe and curiosity among residents.


The architecture of The Glass Towers reflects the city's history of adaptation. Structures are designed to be modular and easily reconfigured to meet the changing needs of the city's inhabitants.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization