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Benjamin Irving

Originally from Arcadia, Benjamin Irving left home as a young teenager to attend the Baria Institute on Erato after his innate psychic powers manifest themselves. His powers were telepathic in nature, and he graduated solidly in the middle of his class, not really standing out from his peers, but with full mastery over his powers.   After graduation, Ben gathered together a group of friends and acquaintances with various skills with the goal of forming a ship's crew and taking advantage of the franchise opportunity program through Zephyr Corp. He and his crew were successful in obtaining funding and named their Free Merchant vessel the Sea Star. They formed a relationship with another crew, looking out for each other as they began their first trips through the sector.   The Sea Star went missing during a routine trip to Erato with trade goods. They did not make their cargo drop off, and did not follow their usual procedure of sending a message via courier to their sister ship regarding their future plans and routes.   After the Sea Star went missing, their sister ship alerted the free trader community via the Tidal Network. However, no sign of the missing ship was reported for the next month, and their friends had little hope they would ever find out what had happened to their sister ship.   Later, the PCs learned that the Sea Star had been boarded by a group of shadow entities while they were in metaspace. At the time of the boarding, the ship was struggling through an unexpected metastorm that should not have been present according to the available rutters for that route. Already dealing with one crisis at the time of the boarding, the crew was quickly overrun. Most of the crew were killed, while Captain Irving and Oksana Vitalin, the ship's gunner, were captured alive. The shadow entities commandeered the ship and flew it to the uninhabited Keres sector, spending most of this trip in metaspace to avoid detection by other ships.   Ben Irving was taken off ship, and hung up on the wall outside the lair of a horrifying beast of shadow that had been trapped on this side of the veil many years ago.  It fed off of psychic energy, and Ben was nearly completely drained of his psychic powers by the time of his rescue by the PCs.  After his rescue, he traveled briefly with the PCs as they finished their exploration of the Keres system and then returned to Beja.  He then took his leave, Tessa Hassan having helped him in obtaining passage back to Arcadia where his family has a large farm.
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