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Axe of Frigga

Forged by the Aedrinarian rune-smith Tara Strong-Arm, the axe of Frigga is a magical piety weapon associated with the Honoured God and Vanir Frigga, patron of the Ice Elves and mother of magic and cats. Originally created for Killyn, the axe is now in the possession of Gallus.  


  Created for Killyn, the axe was not finished until after their death and ascension to Valhalla. Collected by Azura, the wizard held onto it until passing the axe on to Ivar. Ivar used the axe during their battles in Jameleska before trading it with Gallus.  


  Rune-Smithing is an ancient art of weapon crafting, embedding steel with divine runes and adding incense, magical components, and casting spells on the fires whilst praying and chanting ancient hymns. This ties the power of an honoured god with the weapon, and the more its wielder honours that god and their ideals the more powerful the weapon grows.


Piety Boon
1 +1, resistance to cold damage
5 Axe deals an additional 1d4 cold damage
10 The axe gains 6 charges, regaining 1d6 at dawn. From the axe, the following spells can be cast: Frostbite (1 charge), Ice Knife, (1 charge), Ice Storm (4 charges) The spell save DC and the attack modifier relies on the casters choice of intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.
25 The axe becomes a +2 weapon, and the number of charges increases to 8, regaining 1d8 charges at dawn. It can now cast the following spells, cone of cold (5 charges), Wall of ice (6 charges
50 The axe becomes a +3 weapon, its charges increase to 12, recharging 1d12 at dawn. It can cast the additional following spells, Storm of Vengeance (9 charges)


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