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Corellon Larethian

The primary god and creator of the Elves, Corellon is a primal entity formed in the early stages of creation alongside the Old Gods and Moradin. The patron of all elves, Corellon is an advocate for their people and father of the Elvish pantheon of the Seldarine. Living in the divine realm of Arvandor, Corellon is in an eternal feud with Lolth the Spider Queen who seeks to corrupt the elves from their path.   As a personification for their people, Corellon is a poet, a fighter, a spiritual leader, a mage, and typically appears as any type of elf, but always known for their beauty and the scent of spring that accompanies them.  

Myths and Legends


Betrayal of Lolth

In the earliest points of Dawn when Corellon formed the glens and vales, he found their life barren of enjoyment and their creation empty of uniqueness. So Corellon did forge the elements with the elder beings, and from it they created their wife, the most beautiful of all elves with elegant hair and skin of ebony stone with eyes the shine of the stars themselves, Lolth was made as the first of the Seldarine. Together they did birth their children, each bringing a new spark of joy the world, and in the sky with their daughter, Ellistrae they did create the moon that would shine forever on the world below.   Then their most powerful creation, that of the elves. Made in their image, the elves would embody the new seasons and the life they had been given, and lived in peace within the magical lands of their new realm.   Yet this was not enough for Lolth, for she had grown resentful and lustful for the power of her partner. Lolth did conspire and twist their creations into her servants, and seduced the moon itself away from Corellon. When the time came to strike, she had cause the creator of all elvenkind to bleed, showering the world with fire. Corellon was only spared when Ellistrae saw the error of her ways and turned on her mother. For her crimes, Lolth was cast out into the abyss of dismay and her followers scattered into the darkest realms. For her part, Ellistrae had been forgiven, but vowed to stay in exile till the moon did shine once more over the lost elves. In her place, Sehanie was born to take her role as goddess of the moon.  

Battle with Grumsh

Grummsh, the father of the orcs, had grown bold at the dawn’s height. From his peaks he did desire all the elves held, and encouraged on the sacred grounds of Corellon’s creation. Corellon, in wisdom, warned once the orc god to not encroach and leave their people be, yet Grumsh did not listen. So Corellon showed him their power, making the mountains rise before the orcs, yet Grumsh did not see. So Corellon did bring forth their golden blade and beckoned the Orcs to yield and retreat, and told the orc to yield, yet Grumsh did not yield. With no other way, Corellon said, “You will not hear, you will not see, and you will not yield.” And with their blade they maimed Grumsh, casting the god’s eye, ear, and axe away.


Correllon embodies the Elvish principle of cultural enlightenment, and holds no fixed gender and appears as both male, female, androgynous, and everything in between. The long lives of the elves makes fixations on gender roles and sex seem trivial, and this is exemplified by Corellon themselves. The god is typically referred to by They/Them in all forms to accompany this.   In Elvish myth, Corellon changes genders with the seasons, being female in the hight of summer and male at the height of winter, with a changing form between. Those devoted to Corellon imitate this practice, especially within Asrinheim where this practice is regularly performed and is known as Correlithie. A counter seasonal approach of worship is also undertaken, going from male in the summer to female in the winter, and is known as Airdriethe in honour of Corellon’s wife.

Divine Domains

Primary God of the Elves, Arcana, Light, Life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A quarter moon or a starburst. a Four faced elvish figure.


Summer and Winter solstice which mark the ends of Corellon's gender shifting.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Morality & Philosophy

Corellon embodies a good morality, with kindness, love, and compassion encouraged. They do not fall into lawful, as they provide no true creed or practice but say good should come from within and adapt to the changing of time. They are seen as the enemy of the Dark Seldarine, evil elvish gods led by his former wife Lolth. Corellon show’s now qualms about killing fiends, monsters, and evil doers, and actively tries to encourage it amongst their followers.
Divine Classification


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