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Devil's Bridge

Devil's Bridge is a famous village in County Carely within Cape County. A majority Tiefling settlement with an ancient history, the village spans the River Strichen and lies on the main road from Carely to Saunton. The village holds the burial site of War hero Ovak the Righteous, mother of Queen Rhiannon and serves as a freqent pilgramage spot for their friends and loved ones.


Devil's Bridge is a majority Tiefling settlement. All those born in the village are born as tieflings due to an ancient curse or pact made generations ago. The village is generally of working and merchant classes, with one noble family present.


The village is represented by a Dailman and an Earl who is sworn to serve the Carely family. The Current Earls are of the ancient Bluemoon family. Before the 40 year, a brief Parish Council was created led by Ovak.


The village is heavily defended by knights of the Bluemoon family and a small Commonwealth military garrison. Castle Bluemoon serves as its prime fortification and has enough room in its numerous bunkers and cellars for the entire population of the village.

Industry & Trade

The village is a milling settlement with its bread products being exported around the Commonwealth and beyond. The waters of the Strichen aid in making a unique dough and flavour that gives the bread its reputation.


Devil's Bridge is most famous for its eponymous bridge the crosses the River Strichen on the main road to Saunton and Carely. Watermills are common along the river side and form the heart of the village's industry.


The village has two sections, one on the western bank of the Strichen and one of the eastern bank. The eastern bank population is much ligther due to a conflict that occured in 991, 3e, but is slowly rebuilding.


The village has two inns, a Divinitist church, a rebuilt Old Gods henge, and numerous goods store including the famous Pasca's Book Store and Scullivan Bopps artificerial solutions.


The formation of a village here is believed to date back to the second age, with some record of Krowethic fortifications and farms on the strichen's banks dating to the Mythic age. The village is most known for its dark age legend, which has two variations. The first variation states that the mothers and wives left behind as the men of the village went to war made a deal with Asmodeus that their loved ones would return. In exhcange, all those born in the village would "lose their souls" to the lower planes. As a note, there is little theological evidence that Tieflings lose their souls to the lower planes, and this was likely the result of Eldrian anti-tiefling propaganda. The second varition states that the women of a Kernowian settlement, which was matriarchal at the time, were suffering a famine. In order to save their people, they made the same deal but inexchange for plentiful grain and bread and as a result all those born in the village would be tieflings.   In 991, 3e a race riot emerged between the human and tiefling residents of the village, with the human side of the village being destroyed in a fire inadvertantly caused by the human supremacists.   The village came to prominence in the Commonwealth war of independence when Ovak, one of the heroes of the revolution, returned here to live with their wife, a bookseller named Pasca. The pair became well known in the village and beyond. The village fell during the 40 year war as the Seldrinar marched to Saunton, very few died as Ovak led many to shelter in Saunton and beyond.

Points of interest

Ovak's grave in the Church of Divine Sorrow to the south of the village is a frequent pilgramage for Commonwealth patriots.
Appearances: 2
  • Session 31: A Gathering
  • Session 32: Arbitration


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