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The Gnomes are disparate race that can be found throughout Prima Terra across many kingdoms. They tend to adopt the culture of wherever they stay but keep a curiosity and innovativeness other races lack. Once, the gnomes lived in great and peaceful kingdoms in the south next to their Halfling cousins, but these kingdoms were lost centuries ago when the Seldrinar Supremacy conquered them. These kingdoms now exist as provinces, and Gnomes still live there in large numbers but live under the culture of the Supremacy.  

Underground Dwellers

Gnomes historically pefer to live in commumal burrows beneath homes and shops, where gnomes live the buildings may appear to only be one-storey high but likely give away to mulitple levels going underground.

Basic Information


Gnomes are humanoids and look very similar to halflings but have the famous pointed ears of the elves.They stand between 3-4ft high and are considered "small".

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes age at the same rate as humans, but are not considered culturally adults until their 50th birthday when they finally leave home and go to find their own way.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes have darkvision due to their undergound living.


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