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Iotri Spote

Heiret (former) Emperor (current) Iotri (ee-OH-tree) Spote (SPOHt) (a.k.a. Called Loty (LOTT-ee) by close friends)

The unusual son of the rulers of fez.

Mental characteristics


Passel Education for rich kids


works nonprofit (hes royally rich anyways so it doesn't matter) in an unlabeled lab near the outskirts of the main city
Current Location
Year of Birth
3129 MSE 33 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The emperor and empress did not intend to have a child as there was no urgent need for an heir, but i guess its pretty handy to have one.
thin and a little slanted, the whites are dull and the iris is blackish blue
mid-back length (unusual for Fezzanic men), like many Fezzanics, his hair began to gray at age 5, and it is now silver-white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
medium dark tone, sort of coolish tone, as opposed to warm skin tones
very tall, 6 foot 7 or an even 2 meters
200 pounds of pure depression, 90 kilos

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