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Martial Council, strictly built around defending the borders and maintaining the pure Elvish hereditary lines of the nation.


Éndelaria Alone. It has been the nation's motto for three millennia, and the elves of this nation have lived true to this motto ever since. Guarding against countless human armies who have tried to steal their land away, the horrendous monstrosities that climb the hills toward Énedlaria, and fighting back countless dragon attacks, Éndelaria alone has always maintained these mountains, steadfast and strong.   But the Moon's Cry truly tested Éndelaria's motto. Although the nation had always been open to their neighbours, albeit distrusting, when The Gloom fell upon their mountain's base, it meant eons of self-defense would be tested.   And through it all, Éndelaria remains strong, and alone, on the mountain peaks overlooking The Bloodfens and the ruined claret oceans that formed below. This only steeled these strict elves' resolve to remain, and carry out their affairs on their own, without interference, or allies, or aid. This is true independence.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Everlasting Horizons