BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


"CALEB!"   The danger was coming, a HUGE BOULDER, tumbling straight down the cliff side. I had the relic in my hand from the abandoned temple. And the BIRD KNIGHTS. They were right behind me. My friend right in front. I hurried as fast as I could to keep up, but the stones kept tripping my path. The boulder was tumbling.   Suddenly, the bird knights lunged their javelins at me. It felt like time was in slow motion! I jumped into the air, tossing the relic, which went flying. I spun around like the most dexterous elf you have ever seen, spinning as time moved at a snail's pace to dodge all 12 of the javelins. The relic bounced off one, two, three of the javelins, then off a rock. The boulder was right there! I WAS GOING TO BE CRUSHED.   It had to be done. As the next volley of javelins came in, I jumped onto one, and then BACKFLIPPED. I caught the relic square out of the sky, landed on another javelin, and then BACKFLIPPED AGAIN, until I landed atop the massive spherical boulder!   "HEY!"   I had to RUN BACKWARDS as fast as I could to maintain my balance on the moving boulder. My friend was down the path ahead. He FLEW over the cliff with his magic wings! They disappeared as fast as I saw them, and I heard him call from across the way.   "CALEB. HEY! C'MON DUDE!"   That bridge was tiny. This boulder would never make it across. WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO?   But I had a plan. I can do this. I HAD TO DO THIS.   The boulder careened to the bottom of the path, and CRASHED into the cliffside. I leapt at the same time, KICKING one of the bird knight right off his eagle! He went sailing and screaming to the canyon below. I COMBAT ROLLED onto the bridge, but I heard the boards and rope straining. I hurried, SPRINTED as fast as I could across the brick.   CRACK! The bridge gave way. I ran as long as the bridge let me, but I was falling with the giant boulder. I grabbed on to the boards and swung until I struck the cliffside. I balanced ONLY ON MY FEET and snatched the relic before I dropped it, holding firmly with both hands. I looked up. My friend's hand reached out. He was so close.   "CALEB! GET UP!"   I threw the relic up to him, and he snatched it out of the sky. A javelin landed right by my head. I MIGHT DIE TODAY! I hurriedly tried to climb the broken bridge, as two bird knights dismounted and fought my friend. He fought with a sword in one hand, relic in the other.   I was nearly at the top when I felt my body LIFT AWAY. They got me! I struggled feebly as the bird knight yanked at my shirt and flew down to the canyon below. The water was was just below. I would DROWN if I fell in there. And a new problem, my shirt! It was ripping!   But I am a HERO. I will never be bested by the bird knights! As he waited to drop me into the river, I swung my legs up and grabbed the bird by the neck, swooping right out of my shirt. I punched the bird knight right in the nose, and he flew away into the river. But then I realized something: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLY BIRDS!   I grabbed the eagle's reigns, but it was not having me. It bucked and swung at me every chance it got. And then, the worst happened: IT SPUN UPSIDE DOWN. I held on for dear life, and felt the bird turning right-side up, but I lost my grip. I fell, and felt a lurch by the seat of my pants. It was the bird knight! He was caught in the talons of his bird, and now he caught me by my pants. I tried to shake free but it was no use, he held on and waited as the bird went higher and higher. The canyon turned to rocks up ahead. I WAS DOOMED.   Not without a fight! I saw the man still had his javelin at his belt. I kicked him in the hip. Kick, kick, kick! This has to work! AND IT DID. The javelin moved just enough and pierced the bird. It squawked in pain, and began flying left to right, up and down, at wild angles. The man yanked at my clothes, and I used the angle to point my body downward into a dive. I WAS FREE! I fell loose, and landed in the river below. I gasped for air just in time to see the bird flap to the top of the canyon walls.   I paddled to the nearest shore. No relic... I hope my friend was okay. But I was safe and sound and...   "CALEB!"   I was on the shore of the river, and sitting around a bonfire was 20 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. They all curiously approached me. I was a bit shocked, but a HERO knows what to do. I gave the manliest grin I could. I called out to the ladies, in my deepest voice.   I could only hear the river, rushing water, pounding rapids behind me, flowing and streaming quickly as it went. As I gazed at the gorgeous ladies, they all pointed. At the river? I turned around and looked at all that frothing, rushing water. It made me uncomfortable. Were they afraid of the river? I looked back. They weren't pointing at the river. They were pointing at the hero that stood before them.   Except a little lower...   I looked down.   I HAD NO CLOTHES.   I moved my hands, except they were stuck! Sand demons rose out of the shoreline and grabbed both my hands. DAMN YOU SAND DEMONS. All the voluptuous babes pointed and laughed at my little dagger and my tiny coin purse. They laughed, and laughed, and began to chant:   "CALEB! CALEB! CALEB! CALEB! CALEB!"   "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"   "Woah dude! Hey!"   I was so wet. I climbed out of the river and... I saw Ahmed. He was standing over me. I looked down. I saw my sweaty chest, and my underwear. Thank the gods I had my underwear. I was on the floor, so was my blanket. I rolled off the bed. That explains why my head hurts.   "Caleb, you were moaning in your sleep. And your face is all red. Are you okay?"   "NO! I mean yeah, I'm cool dude. I just had this weird dream."   "What happened?"   "There were like, BIRD KNIGHTS, and water, and a boulder, and it fell in the water, and you caught the thing, and I fell into the water, and there were chicks there, by the water. The river water. Water..."   "Caleb?"   "GOTTA PEE!"   And so Caleb ran out of the house to take care of his business. Ahmed scratched his head and yawned, looking across the room. A sparkling creature bounced, floating in the air, chuckling in the corner. Was it a bug... a fairy? What was that? "Tee hee!" it jingled, and faded through the walls.   "I'm going back to sleep," Ahmed said, flopping face first in the bed so his horns didn't rip the pillow case.   Ahmed dreamt of fresh bread.

Divine Domains

Dreams and the Ethereal

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Deep in the darkness, the War in Heaven rages. The clashes are dark and yet infinite. Beings enter and leave existence altogether under furious blows of weapons and divine light. The entire universe is shrouded in darkness at the combat.   So it was that Kalpana, God of Imagination, was wounded, caught by an immortal dagger to the back. He limped, stumbled, and fell. The hungry god - Tazia, God of Fantasy - that stood before him smiled, and thrust his hand forward. A pulse of light in the darkness, and Kalpana felt a pain, screaming as the fool laughed. His power was being absorbed straight from his body. Two beings, abyssal in nature, sailed from the void, latching on to Kalpana's arms, stretching him like a toy. He felt his immortality begin to leave him.   With every once of strength he had left, he summoned a glass blade into the sky above Tazia, and let it drop. It pierced Tazia's neck, and he faded from this plane. Kalpana imagined a river, but it summoned as a slow-flowing creek, guiding Tazia's immortality into him, absorbing it. Kalpana began an ascension.   And yet he was so weak. These creatures pulled and pulled. If he could free himself... but he couldn't. If he could create just one more time... but he couldn't. He struggles, and moved, and then felt his skin begin to tear. Like a page, he was ripped asunder by the demons.   However, something strange happened. As Kalpana and Tazia's souls merged, but Kalpana's body strained, there was an explosion. The beings pulling him apart were incinerated, their own souls joining the mix. The two halves of Kalpana's godly form flittered like leaves with the souls, until something strange happened. The mixtures of demons and gods all swirled together, and then chose for themselves.   When they formed fully, they stared at each other in disbelief. One a creature of hunger, the other a creature of creation. They glance at each other and the horrid surrounding, and flee their separate ways, forever linked, off into the darkness.
Divine Classification


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