10/18 - The Skyrock! Report

General Summary

The group camped out with their new friend Cheese the Lizard lurking nearby desiring more cheese from Rauha. While on Watch he managed to steal some cheese from Rauha while he was distracted. After most of the day's journey to the crater Rauha decided to go hunting with Cheese for some food, while the party investigated to the crater deeper.

Arriving at the crater after dark, it was hard to see what was going on, but seeing the large rock glowing with light in the crater was a sight to behold. There appeared to be some small creatures standing near the glowing crater. Hithcock used his power to inflict Dissonant Whispers in the mind of the small creatures and their weak minds could not resist and they were promptly killed.
The Boss rallied the forces to look for the trouble as Vallatus charged further into the crater. Jarn was a bit distracted by an interesting beetle pushing a ball of dung. But then upon seeing Hitchcock summon many Melf's Minute Meteors, promptly jumped into action.
Turns out the creatures are Goblins (and other goblinoids) who seem to have been worshiping or at least protecting this rock.

Vallatus was the first to charge in and the first to be noticed by the Goblin Boss who then urged his companions to attack these intruders. The attacks of the goblins were sparse to hit anyone on the team, with Vallatus taking 1 arrow from a lucky goblin.
Jarn charges in and tries to punch the Goblin Boss, who swiftly pulled his goblin trooper into the blow thereby dodging the attack himself. Hitchcock sends the dark whispers in his head to a Bugbear near the glowing meteor who proceeded to run away after going mad. He fired his many Minute Meteors at whoever he could see, although with only his dancing lights and the glowing light of the meteor to provide him vision in the thick of the night, it was a bit difficult. He moved further in casting the spell Detect Thoughts to seek out creatures nearby. 2 Goblins and a Bugbear had run down from the north side of the Crater to get into the action, but stumbled near enough to Hitchcock that he was able to sense their presence.

Meanwhile Vallatus and Jarn dispatched many of the Goblins and the Boss himself, but noticed some Hobgoblins stand up on the ridge of the crater opposite of them (south-east) and fire arrows down at them, although never landing a shot. they charged towards these foes to finish the fight.

Hitchcock threw more Minute Meteors at the ones who's presence he sensed, and as a Bugbear approached him and threw a Javelin that grazed his thigh, he sent some Dissonant Whispers his way, which caused him to flee away from Hitchock. Once the bugbear snapped out of it, he threw his last Javelin into Hitchcock's shoulder. Hitchock was angry now, and cast Hunger of Hadar, opening a gateway to the dark between the stars, a place infested with unknown horrors. This sphere of blackness enveloped the poor Bugbear, as milky otherworldly tentacles grabbed him and pulled him deep into the void.

Vallatus and Jarn were fighting with the Hobgoblins as another Goblin fled back over the crater ridge, dropping his weapon as he ran. Vallatus channeled divinity and unleashed a conquering presence, a small glowing, radiant crown of laurels appeared on his head and a lite burst of radiant energy filled the area around him. Hitchcock seeing this small glowing crown, launched his remaining meteors towards his friends hoping to help them out. While the meteors did hit his friends hurting them slightly, it demolished the Hobgoblins turning them to ash.

Jarn made his way over the crater to find the goblin who ran away. Not seeing him anywhere, he stopped and listened for a moment, hearing whimpering coming from the nearby goblin tent.
He opened the tent and saw this goblin cowering in the fetal position, and instantly saying "please no hurt Grizz, Grizz no fight." Jarn grabbed the goblin and stood him in front of him, and said he wouldn't hurt him. Grizz said "Grizz no like other Goblins, but have no where to go. Grizz no hurt. You no hurt Grizz?" Jarn picked him up and put him on his shoulders and hopped back into the Crater.

As this happened, the last goblin, with a lucky shot, fired one last arrow into Vallatus gut. As it hit, Vallatus unleashed a Hellish Rebuke as a flame shot out from his body following the path the arrow took and scorching the goblin. Vallatus sprinted at full speed and with 3 swings of his swords decapitated the goblin, ending the conflict.

After bombarding the Hobgoblins and his friends, Hitchcock started looking for more bodies and throwing them into the hungering sphere, sending their corpses far beyond this world.

Jarn made his way down with Grizz and the party began to recoup and investigate what is going on with this strange meteor. Jarn asks Grizz, "What do you know about this rock?" Grizz responds "The Skyrock? The Skyrock is powerful, make us strong. Or so me think."

And with that we leave our adventurers till next time...

Created Content

Grizz, the Goblin
The Hunted
Report Date
19 Oct 2020


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