Back to the real world: the Raven Queen's tasks await! Report

General Summary

The party made it to Shranilox and found where the portal to the material realm was, but they were denied access. They made their way to the gladiator arena to be allowed access and were forced to compete in order to earn the access. They defeated 3 powerful gladiators and were told there was one final challenge in order to be allowed through. Instead of resting for the night they decided to just take a short rest and take on the challenge now. They readied themselves in the arena and a Hydra was released upon them. Because they had weapons that did fire damage they prevented the Hydra from regrowing is heads and dispatched it very quickly. With that they were granted Hydra teeth as trophies and were allowed access back to the material world. They made their way into the domed building where the portal was and were lead by an older man in a cloak to a back room where they were told the portal was, but also it was a one way trip. They all entered the portal and ended up at the end of a canyon in the South Eastern mountains of Ramoa. It was raining and the adventurers made their way towards the home village of Thalion Ku'ra and Rhandir , Kal'anin . They eventually made it and went to Thalion's house but no one answered. So they went to the fields to look for his father but found out he had last a few days ago in search of Thalion's sister. They went to Rhandir's house and his mother greeted them with joy not having seen Rhandir for years. They stayed there for a while and rested and ate before they headed off back to Tilogath . On their way back they ran into some Shambling Mounds and quickly dispatched them.

Rewards Granted

XP, passage to the material realm
Plotting Plots
Puralax Lutier
Level 5 Shadar-Kai Chaotic Neutral Rogue 2, Ranger 3
/ 47 HP
Thalion Ku'ra
Level 6 Shadar-Kai Elf Chaotic Neutral Rogue Warlock
30 / 61 HP
Report Date
03 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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