Kadvius Mørksverd

Kadvius Mørksverd (a.k.a. The Fallen)

Kadvius is a warlock of Alarima, the Tranquil Lady. He is cold but charismatic, and thanks to his time training as a Blood Hunter, incredibly well-versed in the blade and arcana.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad shoulders, muscular, skinny.

Body Features

  • Covered in scars, the largest of which are 2 big puncture wounds on his back from where his wings tear out.
  • Very muscular with an imposing build

Facial Features

  • Nordic features
  • Lightly scarred

Identifying Characteristics

  • Eyes glow with a cold presence
  • Parts of his body are scarred from battle
  • Abnormally pale
  • Has an intimidating aura

Physical quirks

  • Almost always stands up straight

Special abilities

Pact Magic

Apparel & Accessories

  • Wears a set of full plate armor that seems to always be cold to the touch and has frost rolling off of it.
  • His sword is U'kuthu, Tranquilitie's Edge, is a double edged broadsword made out of slightly blue tinted metal, with Celestial runes and styling on the hilt and bottom of the blade. This sword, on top of it's standard appearance, has 2 forms.
  • Sinnerso, Peace of Mind: In this form the blade gains a slight hook-shaped divit towards the guard used for parrying and is accompanied by a shield made entirely of ice. While in this form the sword emanates an aura of peace to the allies of the wielder, clearing their minds with a slight gentle snowfall.
  • Xaedas, Piercing Cold: When in this form, the sword is enlarged to a greatsword, a sheet of ice gathering along the edges to increase it's size. The guard shifts from the beautiful celestial scrawling, to a more more fierce guard that is slightly U shaped and has sharp, icicle iconography. While in this form the blade emanates a fierce blizzard that affects the nearby enemies of the wielder, slowing their movement and freezing them to the bone.

Specialized Equipment

An expert in melee combat as a whole, but particularly well trained with swords, glaives, and spears. An expert in the extra-planar and arcana as a whole.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Blood Hunter training, study of the arcane and esoteric.

Failures & Embarrassments

When he was 16, Kadvius had an outburst of celestial energy that killed his father. He left his mother and brother behind and hasn't seen them since.

Mental Trauma

Kadvius blames himself for his father's death and still struggles with his own morality because of it.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Incredible memory
  • Skeptical
  • Slow to trust new people
  • Never turns his back on the people he cares about

Morality & Philosophy

Believes everyone deserves freedom, but it is their own job to fight for it. Your problems will always catch up to you, might as well face them head on.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to protect the people he cares about and help them find peace. Desires knowledge and power.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Extremely good at strategy games like chess.
  • Very talented in martial combat, vastly superior to most.
  • Knows a lot about the planes and esoteric subjects.

Likes & Dislikes

Absolutely hates spiders and other arachnids, prefers fighting humanoids, likes the color purple, likes cats, hates passive people, loves the cold, hates the heat.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ambidextrous, very persuasive, very good at lying and obscuring the truth, has a soft spot for good people who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Vices & Personality flaws

Enjoys striking fear into his enemies. Loyal to the point of weakness. Loses his temper easily due to his Fallen nature.

Personality Quirks

  • Hates being unarmed.
  • Celestial is his first language in a way so he defaults to it for writing.
  • Enjoys a good prank.


Contacts & Relations

  • Best friend/love interest: Coela
  • Mentor: Oracus
  • Adventuring Party: Lex Temporum

Family Ties

His Father Thorus, died when he was 16 and he hasn't seen his younger brother or mother since then. Now the closest thing he has to family is Coela and her family. Thorus was a blacksmith and was mentoring Kadvius before he died.

Religious Views

Paying the price for his mistakes in penance.

Social Aptitude

Very charismatic especially because of his celestial nature. Although people are often put off by is unusual appearance.


Adopts polite mannerisms when they are due and has an open disposition.


Very good at impersonations and masking his true intent. Has a Nordic/Scottish accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Gathered a pretty penny from adventuring and doesn't spend much.

Celstial-Blooded Hexblade of Alarima, from the cold north of Helorthim.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Tranquil Blade
Date of Birth
The 17th of Tamirog, 1775
Baorinn, Helorthim
Current Residence
Lex Temporum Residence in Mirari
Icey blue and glowing, have a cold mist rolling off of them constantly.
Black at the base but fades to white at the tips, long and unkempt.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 1"
210 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Sylvan

Before Ouroboros
1st of Tamirog, 1800

I was born on the 17th of Tamirog, 1775, to Thorus and Elise Mørksverd, in the small village of Baorinn, Helorthim. Thorus, my father, was a blacksmith by trade; while Elise, my mother, was an enchanter. Elise was a court wizard in Trypholta before she met Thorus and fell in love with him. They eventually decided to settle down in the quiet town of Baorinn to have children. When I was born my eyes shone brighter than the sun and my hair was as white as the snow, as celestial blood flowed through my veins. My parents thought this a blessing, some saw it as a curse, it turned out to be both. Growing up I was both parts hated and liked by other kids. I had a knack for starting fights but at the same time I had just as strong of a knack at making friends. I hated the fact that I was treated differently and it was a constant source of strife at home. My parents told me that I should accept the gift and embrace it, but I never wanted to the servant of some Angel with no understanding of the Material Plane or human nature. When I was 9, my brother Alaitas was born. I always envied him because he got less attention than I did. Even though he was the younger child, my parents expected me to be something of a prodigy and often let Alaitas get away with murder because all of their attention was focused on me. I got along relatively well with my brother but he was always somewhat of a dunce.   As I got older my patron began to pressure me more, saying that I would be a "Paragon of Justice" and promising power beyond my comprehension; but I hated it with every part of me. I became a bit of a celebrity in my town; everyone thought me a prodigy that I did not want to be. Eventually, his unwanted gifts became too much. On the night of my 16th birthday after a lecture from my father about the new responsibility and how I should take my "duty" more serious, I lost it. I let all of my emotions out at my father in a flurry of yells, but the power of an angry celestial cannot be limited to just words. Radiant energy flowed out of me faster than I could contain and my father was torn a sunder by it. As my father was ripped to shreds, my blessing suffered the same fate; my hair darkening to a jet black, my star white eyes turned to a midnight purple. After it was done, my mother was unconscious and my brother ran to get help. My biggest regret to this day is not staying to make sure my mother lived; I have no clue if either of them are still alive and I may never find out. But still, I took my father's sword, some food, and a heavy coat, and ran.   For days I wandered through the cold wastes of Helorthim. Directionless. Useless. Forsaken. I struggled against several beasts of the tundra as I was attacked by wolves, hid from yetis, and hunted rabbits. Eventually I reached a point where I was out of food, energy, and warmth. I found myself awaiting my own demise as I walked aimlessly. I wondered if I would starve or freeze first. Eventually my vision became blurred, then black.   But when I awoke, I wasn't in a frozen tundra; I was in a warm keep laying by the hearth, with a strange looking dwarf and a young human girl standing over me. "My, my, you are certainly a lucky young man. If I had found you even 5 minutes later you would have been dead." The dwarf said. After a few confused and weak questions, the dwarf revealed his name to be Oracus, a blood hunter; and we were in Itunadol Keep. The girl's name was Coela, she appeared to celestial-blooded as well, and she had been keeping watch over me while I was unconscious. I weakly introduced myself as Kadvius, and after being asked what I was doing out in the frozen tundra all alone, I said that I had just gotten lost. I think he knew I was lying but he did not prod further. "Look kid, I think you've ended up here for a reason. We train talented and tough kids that don't belong anywhere else, and that description fits you pretty well I think if you managed to survive out there alone as long as you did." Oracus pointed out. "It's up to you if you want to stay but this seems like destiny to me". I was left with nothing to my name and no family to run to, so I didn't really have a choice. But if I did I still would have chosen to stay. At the keep everything is run in 2's, 2 people to a room, 2 apprentices to a master, and 2 to a party to watch each other's back.   I studied swordplay and esoteric secrets while she focused more on history and information gathering. I was weary of Coela at first; never had anybody be openly nice to me without me giving them a good reason to. She told me about her life before she ended up at the keep. Her family was a wealthy noble family from Laeroth; she had a younger brother and sister and she had left for the keep in order to study and train at her parent's request. I didn't think I could ever tell her about my past, a noble born like her would never want to associate with a lowborn like myself. But I would find that prejudice like that was not in her nature. She was a bright-eyed, cheery person, while I was a tragedy-ridden mess. I was darkness. She was light. But we were both treated with the same distrust and coldness from the other initiates. About a week into our training I discovered two of our pupil's pushing Coela around. I told them to fuck off and to leave her alone. They turned to me and asked what I was gonna do about it, so I stepped in front of Coela and punch one of them in the face, breaking his big, ugly nose. After that I got the shit beat out of me, and fell unconscious.   Again, I awoke to see Coela staring back at me with worried eyes. She had dragged me back into our room to patch me up. Immediately, her expression changed from worried to angry as she slapped me and called me an idiot, but she thanked me in the end. I started to open up to her more after that. I told her I was from a small village to the West called Baorinn; I told her about my childhood and how I was expected to be a prodigy by most of my village; I told her about my family, my younger brother, my loving mother who was a skilled wizard, my father... It took a lot of prodding from Coela to get what happened to my father out of me, but eventually I told her the truth. I expected her to react by calling me an awful person and hating me, but she was nothing like that. She was very empathetic as she understood the pressure of having the world expect miracles from you, and she explained that if she didn't have parents that could support her wishes--she would have ended up in the same boat.   Eventually, we neared the end of our training as I turned 19 and Coela turned 18. We had but one trial left until we had completed our training and become real blood hunters. As the deadline quickly approached, Coela and I grew anxious about what this test would be and if we would pass it or not, but we promised that we would stick by each other no matter what happened. The day of the test, all of the students were gathered in a room around a cauldron with a vile liquid in it. One by one, we were handed cups and told to drink. The liquid was a mutagen that changed us; each transformation more gruesome than the next. When it came my turn, I remember drinking, and then darkness.   Rousing from my slumber, I awoke, for the third time, to Coela staring back at me worried sick. As soon as I awoke she hugged me with the force of a polar bear, nearly finishing me off. I'm still not entirely sure what happened that day but my theory is as follows: the void left behind by my previous celestial patron was filled with a darker presence: a lich that wished me to serve their dark purpose, and when my body was absorbing the mutagen from the Hunter's Bane they took control. Thankfully, while I was under control I did not kill anyone, although I hurt many.   With this new revelation, Coela and I weren't sure what to do anymore; without the Hunter's Bane you cannot further your training as a blood hunter. We decided we would go back to Coela's hometown to stay with her parents while we figured out our purpose. For many weeks we traveled through the cold mountains that led to Itunadol Keep. Coela didn't grow up in the freezing cold like I did and Itunadol Keep is in a valley with a much more temperate climate, so she relied on me very heavily to guide us to warmth. After a few months of traveling we ended up in Laeroth, this was the first time I ever left the cold and thus I was very uncomfortable while I adjusted to the change in climate. When we arrived in Laeroth's captial, Aquillo, I was overwhelmed by the massive city; I had never seen a city even a fraction of it's size in Helorthim. Bazaars lined the streets as buskers and criers populated the town with noise; the sheer amount of people was overwhelming. We arrived at her parent's house in the evening, the large mansion of a house advertising luxury and warmth inside. I was very intimidated to meet her parents, because I might as well be a peasant as far as wealth compares. They at first treated me with caution and confusion as they wondered what their daughter was doing with such a demonic looking man; but I'm nothing if not charming and pretty soon they treated me as if I was their own son.   We stayed with Coela's parents for nearly 3 years. To be honest, it made me kind of homesick. I loved my mother and father just as much as any other kid, but that time was long past; there is no way to bring my father back now. Coela's parents put us to work of course. I was often used as a bodyguard or just as general muscle for their business, as when you are as wealthy as they are, you want to protect your assets. Eventually I regarded her parents as my own, for the first time in my life I felt I belonged somewhere. But that could not last forever and eventually Coela received a calling from her celestial patron to go and repair an old temple in Jineum. She told me that she would go on her own but I wouldn't let that happen, so I went with her.   We spent about a year on the road to Jineum. Looking back on it I think that was the best time of my life. There was nothing to worry about, just Coela and I against the world. We went through Valdan, the seat of the empire, to get to Jineum. The swamps of Valdan proved a difficult area to travel through; many days I would end up slogging through the swamp carrying Coela so she didn't have to walk through it.   After a long journey we made it to the abandoned temple of that Coela was tasks to repair. We had our work cut out for us as Coela's patron was Sarosa, Goddess of Beauty, and as such would have nothing but the most beautiful of worship spaces. It was kind of fun repairing that temple, for the first time we had no deadline or pressure to complete a task quickly and could have fun with it. After about 2 years we had returned the temple to a lovely place of worship visited by many. Everything was not perfect though, ever since the Hunter's Bane Trial I had been hearing whispers of dark power awaiting me and evil temptations appearing in my dreams. I needed to figure out what was wrong with me and I didn't want Coela getting hurt because of it.   I left the temple alone to seek out what was wrong with me. While I was wandering Jineum I ended up meeting some companions to travel with. A gnome with eyes that shone like the sun and a strange obsession with mushrooms. An Elfira with a worried look in her eyes all the time and the inability to keep her hands out of other pockets. And a celestial-blooded Blood Hunter who always seemed to have luck on his side.

2nd of Inabulan, 1800

Class: Blood Hunter (Profane Soul) Race: Protector Aasimar Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Background: Acolyte Birthplace: Trypholta Year of Birth: 1776   Physical Description: Long, White hair, bright blue eyes, 5'9" elf-like features except for ears.

Close Calls, Long Falls, and Icey Halls
10th of Al'therus, 1800

After searching for the beasts that attacked a caravan near Verpanis, we found ourselves at an old, abandoned fort occupied by Yetis. We challenged these Yetis and found the fight was more than we bargained for as the largest of them released a breath that froze us to the bone. Sarnath, Ethelda, and Obsimath all fell almost immediately as I flew out of the way. I grabbed Ethelda and brought her to the top of a nearby tower to transfer some of my life force to her. A long and difficult battle ensued that ended in most of the yetis lying dead. The big one slammed the ground with his massive feet with his last breath, opening a massive chasm beneath us. The entire fort fell into the chasm along with us. As we fell I grabbed Ethelda to stop her from falling, but I lost concentration as I was doing so, causing us to plummet. I soaked most of the fall for Ethelda and Obsimath did so for Sarnath so we made it down without any causalities.   Within the chasm we found a dilapidated chapel hidden off to the side. This was a temple of Alarima, the deity I worship. I took a moment to pray at the altar and she came to me in a vision. Within that vision we struck a bargain to break bonds with the dark force that had forced me into a deal before and I swore loyalty to her now. I would become a force of tranquility, I swore to bring peace to those around me and maintain it within myself. When I opened my she told me to play my sword upon the altar, when I did so it transformed into a blue steel blade that was always cold to the touch. This was U'kuthu, Tranquilities Edge.


Class: Blood Hunter Race: Khadarei Dwarf Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Good   Oracus taught me almost everything I know about how to wield a weapon. That cheerful dwarf was always there to kick my ass and teach me whatever lesson I needed taught.

To Mirari and Beyond
15th of Jiirandin

After traveling with my new companions for a few weeks, we ended up in Mirari. To my surprise and excitement, Coela found me there and told me that her parents had bought her a house for us to stay in, luckily it was big enough for more than just us. When we first came to the house we found it was not empty, there was an elderly man named Esterik living there. He was an unusual figure as he was incredibly messy but also relatively smart. After talking to him it turns out he was the previous owner of the house but ran out of money to keep the house after the rest of his friends moved on from it. We agreed that he could stay there in one of the spare bedrooms as long as he helped us research things from time to time.   From Mirari we continued to pursue the Sanguine Blaze, the cult that had attacked the town where we all met. Our search led us to Ferina, a mage of the secretive "Verpramira". We told Ferina what we knew about the Sanguine Blaze and she decided to help us, taking us to Vepranis, the home base of Vepramira, to find more answers. Eventually we located their stronghold and found that they were trying to summon something. We took down most of the cult but were too late to stop the summoning. They freed some ancient demon lord of fire that called itself Alzrius. Alzrius soon left back to the Abyss but promised he would return.   When we were running away the tunnel leading to the subterranean summoning chamber collapsed, knocking all of us unconscious. When we awoke, we were in a cave that led to a subterranean city that seemed incredibly ancient. We learned after looking through some ancient books that were thrown about the city, that this was Salavor. The entire city was in complete disrepair and appeared to have fallen down a hole to get there.

Revenge and Regret

Today we took down Flint. It's about time we showed that son of a bitch some justice, he has been pissing me off for a while now. We had to cleave through about 50 of his guards to get to him, unwanted causalities in my opinion. He was wielding a mace that seems to adapt to the energy of whoever is wielding it, turning icey cold for me, vibrant for Obsimath, and fiery blue for Flint. Obsimath ran off with it so I will need to get it back from him to get a good look at it.   Once the dust had settled we beat the shit out of Flint before we let him die, something I regret now. Revenge is not the best way to achieve closure, it is in fact the worst. But that is behind us now and I can't "undo" our revenge. We did leave a few alive, there was a woman who seemed to be flints lover that I let live. I don't really know why, a past Kadvius would have ended her on the spot, but I guess I'm going soft and took pity on her. I gave her some advice and condolences and let her leave without being hindered. Something good did come out of this, we have discovered that Ruanda is in fact Ethelda's mom. It turns out Ethelda was in a shipwreck as a kid that was rigged by Flint's family to get her family out of the race. Ruanda didn't think anyone else survived so she left that life behind and ran away. I know the feeling. Ethelda is not as empathetic though; she clearly expressed frustration with her mom because of her actions. I talked with both Ethelda and Ruanda separately and tried my best to comfort them and set them up to accept each other once again but I don't know if they can ever make up for lost time. It's not like it's only been a few years, it's been over a century, so I guess I could never understand.   It has been a day of many trials and upsets, I have a lot to think about, Alarima guide me.


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