Koless Vitorach

Koless Vitorach

Mental characteristics

Personal history

My name is Koless Vitorach.  I was born in the small town of Disrolta, Vaqoril, to a retired wizard and a thief.  My mother, much like myself, is what's known as a tiefling, someone born with the blood of a fiend coursing through them.  Much to the contrary of the beliefs of the small town folk of Vaqoril, this does not make Tieflings inheritly evil, and thus I experienced much prejudice and disrespect from the people of my village growing up.  Although this childhood proved difficult and unkind, I did learn some valuable skills from my parents that grew to be essential in getting where I am today.  My mother, a tiefling thief from Razminak, Onidia, taught me subtlety and deceit.  While my father, a Ayeri wizard from Poralium, Onidia, taught me the basics of Wizardry and Dunamancy.  In my teenage years, my village was attacked by bandits.  My father died defending the village, while my mother Elaine and I escaped safely.  We fled to the nearest port and sailed to The Kingdom of Gradgor as the bandits ravaged the countryside of Vaqoril.  We wandered Gradgor for years and became accustomed to the lifestyle of always being on the road and stealing to survive and I think my mother grew to like it.  But one day, I started having visions of something greater.  These visions depicted another Tiefling, bronze skinned and beautiful, granting me power beyond my comprehension, and all I had to do in return was accept this tiefling as a god.  The next time we came across a library I refused to leave until I found out who this Tiefling, this god, was and how to find her.  I soon found this to be Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, and Lady of the 6th.  Once I showed interest, I was granted a vision on how to find her.  A set of zooming images depicting places across the country, ending in the image of her, atop a throne in an abandoned fortress in Onidia.  It took some convincing, but I managed to convince my stubborn mother that the trip would be worth our while.  And so we set out for Onidia, guided by my memory of the visions.  Every night my dreams mirrored the visions, continuing to guide me and tempt me with power.  After 4 months of traveling, we made it to

Cunning Wizard of Chronurgy, Blade of Glasya, Master of Dark Magic.

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Neutral Evil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Purple


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